COAGMET Hourly Surface Data
The Colorado Agricultural Meteorological Network (COAGMET) Hourly Surface Data is one of several surface datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project...- dataset ASCII
Integrated Sounding System (ISS) Surface Meteorology Data [NCAR/EOL]
Surface meteorology data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) that was located at the "Homestead Profiling Site" near Elmwood, OK during the...- dataset NetCDF
University of Miami Addu Atoll Scanning Radiometer and Surface Weather Imagery
This data set contains daily time series images of PRELIMINARY estimates of water vapor path and liquid water path from the University of Miami scanning radiometer and...- dataset Image
NCAR/EOL ISS MISS Surface Meteorology Products
Surface meteorology data collected by the NCAR/EOL Mobile Integrated Sounding System (MISS) during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3). These data are...- dataset Archive
ECMWF global grids
This dataset contains ECMWF global grids from March-May 2001.- dataset GRIB
This data set is a single tar file of data collected from 42 PAM stations during the PRESTORM experiment near Witchita, KS during May and July 1985.- dataset ASCII
EqPOS Ship Observation Data
This dataset contains CO, O3 and Shipboard Meteorology data collected on board the R/V Hakuho Maru from 29 January to 7 March 2012 from Callao, Peru to Tokyo, Japan, as part of...- dataset PDF ASCII
Council Climate NCAR ISS RASS Virtual Temps for Dry Tundra Site (C8) (ASCII)
This dataset contains Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) virtual temperatures from the Dry Tundra Site at Council, Seward Peninsula during the Arctic Transitions in the...- dataset ASCII
USDA/NRCS Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature Data
This dataset contains the USDA/NRCS Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature Network data. Data are available only from those states within the GCIP/EOP region. These data are provided as...- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Surface Mesonet NCAR PAM-III, Maui site (PRELIMINARY)(GIF) [Andreas,...
NCAR portable automated mesonet (PAM-III) station (Maui site). One of six stations deployed in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the SHEBA Ice Camp. Other stations are Atlanta,...- dataset Image
Council Climate Data - Site 3 Shrub (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data in Excel format from site 3 in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It includes data from the shrub site.- dataset Excel
NCEP GFS West Atlantic Forecast Products Imagery
This dataset contains gif images from the National Weather Service - National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS) West Atlantic forecasts...- dataset Image
Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR Sabreliner aircraft (Tail Number N307D) during the Cooperative Convective Precipitation Experiment...- dataset NetCDF
NOAA/ATDD Bondville, Illinois Long Term Flux Site
The NOAA/ATDD (Tilden Meyers) started operation of a long term flux monitoring site near Bondville, Illinois in 1996. Half-hourly observations of wind speed and direction, air...- dataset ASCII
METAR Surface Observation Plots Imagery
This dataset includes imagery from the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) Surface Observations taken during the T-REX field project. These hourly National Weather Service...- dataset Image
CABL 5 minute ISFS data, QC'd, geographic and tilt corrected sonic winds
This dataset contains 5 minute surface meteorology data from the NCAR/EOL Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) collected during the Characterizing the Atmospheric Boundary...- dataset NetCDF
Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) Gulfstream V (HIAPER) aircraft (Tail Number N677F) during the DC-3 TEST...- dataset NetCDF
USDA/NRCS Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature Network Data
This dataset contains the USDA/NRCS Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature Network data. Data are available only from those states within the GCIP/EOP region. This data is provided as...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data in GENPROI format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the Sabreliner aircraft (Tail Number N307D) during the Q80 project. This dataset contains low rate navigation, state...- dataset GENPRO
Universite Abdou MouMouni RegCM Daily Average Output
This model is the Abdus Salam ICTP climate model RegCM. The files contain Daily averages. Each NetCDF file contains data from May 1 through October 31 for the given year. Data...- dataset NetCDF