The GLACE Hydrology Experiment
The GLACE Hydrology experiment investigates the impact of land and atmosphere anomaly coupling on land variability. This is a new two-stage climate model experimental design ....- dataset NetCDF
United Kingdom Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
This dataset contains model outputs from climate models that were run by the United Kingdom Met Office in 1986, 1990, and 1992. The 1986 low-resolution equilibrium runs include...- dataset Binary
ECMWF FGGE T63 Tropospheric, Surface and Tendency Analyses, daily 1979
ECMWF tropospheric surface and tendency analyses on a global grid with T63 resolution.- dataset Binary
CRUNCEP Version 7 - Atmospheric Forcing Data for the Community Land Model
The CRUNCEP is an atmospheric forcing dataset used forcing the land surface models. Specifically this dataset is designed to drive the Community Land Model over a long period....- dataset NetCDF
ERA-Interim Project, Monthly Means
ERA-Interim represents a major undertaking by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) to produce a reanalysis with an improved atmospheric model and...- dataset GRIB
Time Bias Corrected U.S. Divisional Temperature-Precipitation-Drought Index, ...
This dataset from NCDC (DSI 9640) contains monthly average temperature, precipitation, and Palmer Drought Indices: drought severity (PDSI), hydrological drought (PHDI), Z index,...- dataset ASCII
U.S.A.F. DATSAV Surface Observations, 1973-1981
Global surface observations from USAF (ETAC) at NCDC in DATSAV3 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds463.1/docs/versions_of_DATSAV.html] format. This set is superseded by ds463.2...- dataset Binary
Global Meteorological Forcing Dataset for Land Surface Modeling
A global dataset of meteorological forcings has been developed that can be used to drive models of land surface hydrology. The dataset is constructed by combining a suite of...- dataset NetCDF
GARP Global Upper Air and Surface Observations for June 1970
This Global Atmospheric Research Programme (GARP) dataset was compiled from observations received operationally at the National Meteorological Center (NMC) and the Environmental...- dataset Binary
Suriname Daily Rainfall
Daily rainfall amounts from eight Suriname stations is provided in this dataset. The full period covered by the data is 1852 to 1972, but the actual periods of record vary by...- dataset ASCII
ERA40 T85 Monthly Mean Surface Analysis and Surface Forecast Fields, created ...
DS126.0 represents a dataset implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support Section, and forms an essential part of efforts undertaken in late 2004, early 2005, to produce an...- dataset GRIB
JRA-55C: Monthly Means and Variances
As a subset of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55) project, the Meteorological Research Institute of the Japan Meteorological Agency has conducted a global atmospheric...- dataset GRIB
GPCP Version 2.0 Combined Precipitation Data Set
This dataset contains version 2.0 of the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) monthly combined satellite-gauge precipitation data as well as error estimates. A...- dataset ASCII
Atlas of Surface Marine Data, climatology and monthly, by Da Silva and Young
COADS observations (1945-1993) were used to derive climatologies and year-month anomalies for the basic observed variables and heat flux components. The data are analyzed to...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
GPCP Version 2.2 Combined Precipitation Data Set
NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by GPCP Version 2.3, which is available in RDA dataset ds728.6 [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds728.6/]. Users are advised to transition...- dataset Binary
CMIP 5 dataset and code for R parallelization
The dataset is used as an example of how to parallelize statistical analysis for CMIP data. The code contains all the LSF submission scripts and the R scripts referred to in the...- dataset NetCDF
NCDC TD3260 U.S. Cooperative 15 Minute Precipitation Data
The 15-minute precipitation observations contained in this set were obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The sites are located in the contiguous U.S., Alaska,...- dataset ASCII
Canada Summary of Day, 1890-1979
First version of set. Combined with ds516.1 [], a later version, to create ds516.2 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds516.2/], the preferred set to use.- dataset ASCII
ERA5 Reanalysis
Please note: Please use ds633.0 to access RDA maintained ERA-5 data, see ERA5 Reanalysis (0.25 Degree Latitude-Longitude Grid) [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds633.0], RDA...- dataset GRIB NetCDF
NCDC TD3240 U.S. Cooperative Hourly Precipitation, 1900 to 2011
The hourly precipitation observations contained in this set are taken by observers at principle (primary) stations, secondary stations, and cooperative observer stations...- dataset ASCII