NWS Hilo, HI High Resolution Radiosonde Data
The NWS High Resolution Hilo,HI Sounding Data is one of several upper air data sets collected by the National Center For Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory...- dataset ASCII
R/V Mirai Surface Meteorological Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the 10 minute surface meteorological data from the R/V Mirai surface meteorological station located in the Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. The data are in...- dataset NetCDF
Multi-Network Composite 5mb Vertical Resolution Sounding Composite
This data set contains a composite of the of interpolated 5hPa resolution upper air sounding data from all sources for the Remote sensing of Electrification, Lightning, And...- dataset ASCII
FP3 NCAR/EOL 449MHz Profiler 30 minute Consensus Winds Data
This data set contains the PRELIMINARY 30 minute consensus wind data measured by the NCAR/EOL 449 MHz profiler located at the PECAN Fixed PISA 3 site in Ellis, Kansas. These...- dataset NetCDF
GOES South Pacific Winds WV Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains South Pacific winds WV imagery from the GOES satellite taken during the HIPPO-4 project. The imagery are in GIF format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
FASTEX soundings from Aberporth (United Kingdom)
This dataset consists of sounding data from Aberporth in the United Kingdom (WMO 03502) which was operated by the UK Meteorological Office. Soundings were taken four times per...- dataset ASCII
GTS Mandatory/Significant Level Sounding 2016 Hurricane Matthew Data (EOL For...
National weather agencies around the world routinely release radiosondes at 00 and/or 12 UTC with occasional special releases. This data set includes the quality controlled...- dataset ASCII
Universite Abdou Moumouni RegCM Monthly Average Output
This model is the Abdus Salam ICTP climate model RegCM. The files contain Monthly averages. Each file contains data from May 1, through October 31 for the given year. Data are...- dataset NetCDF
University Of Colorado RAAVEN sUAS Data
This data set contains the aircraft state and flight level meteorological data from the University of Colorado RAAVEN (Robust Autonomous Aerial Vehicle-Endurant Nimble) sUAS...- dataset NetCDF Matlab
Meteosat-7 Atmospheric Motion Vector Imagery
This data set contains Meteosat-7 Atmospheric Motion Vector imagery over the DYNAMO region. Products include low level convergence, upper level divergence, low level and upper...- dataset Image
National Weather Service Radiosonde Data
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Ice in Clouds Experiment 2007 (ICE-L 2007). This data set includes 487 high vertical resolution (1-second) Radiosonde...- dataset ASCII
ECMWF Deterministic Model Analysis Data on pressure levels in GRIB1 (D1D)
This data set contains the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) deterministic forecast model analysis data on pressure levels (and a soil layer) in GRIB1...- dataset GRIB
Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) Gulfstream V HIAPER (NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER) aircraft (Tail Number N677F)...- dataset NetCDF
NSSL Mobile Radiosonde Data
Vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, and winds from the NOAA/NSSL Mobile Radiosonde system that was deployed with the NSSL Lidar Truck at locations around the...- dataset ASCII
Aircraft Tower Fly-by Data
This dataset includes microfilm of aircraft tower fly-by data during Phases I and III. Title, vessel(s), and phase are noted in the "Description" section on the order...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
NOAA/ETL NAME Supersite (Obispo) 449 MHz Profiler Imagery
This dataset contains 449 megahertz profiler imagery from the NOAA/ESRL/PSD supersite at Obispo.- dataset Image
L4 Interpolated 5 hPa Vertical Resolution Radiosonde Data: DYNAMO Legacy Coll...
This data set contains the L4 interpolated 5 hPa vertical resolution radiosonde data from the 32 Priority Sounding Sites (PSS) in the DYNAMO region. The data are in NetCDF format.- dataset NetCDF
This data set contains model output data derived from the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) for CEOP MOLTS.- dataset Archive
Multi-Network 5mb Vertical Resolution Sounding Composite
This data set includes the quality controlled interpolated 5mb vertical resolution radiosonde data from all sources (National Weather Service and NOAA/National Severe Storms...- dataset ASCII
NOAA Long-EZ Data 1Hz & 50Hz Data
This dataset contains 1 Hz and 50 Hz data measured on the Long-EZ aircraft during CASES-99. The data is in ASCII and binary format.- dataset NetCDF ASCII