ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ziemann_20141203_Methyl nitrite/Nitric oxide/2-Dec...
Goals: Determine SOA yield of OH radical oxidation of the VOC Summary: Experiments were conducted in an 8.0 m3 FEP Teflon environmental chamber in Boulder, CO, that was filled...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20190606_ALPHA-PINENE/OZONE/Nitrogen ...
Goals: To quantify the nitrooxy-hydroperoxide yield and the SOA yield from nighttime RO2+HO2-dominated NO3-initiated chemistry of a-pinene by adding H2O2 + ozone + NO2 to the...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nizkorodov Lab_20180619_naphthalene/nitric oxide_H...
Goals: Form napthalene photooxidation SOA under high nox conditions to be used in transient laser spectroscopy experiments Summary: napthalene photooxidation soa formation under...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ziemann_20071122_2,3-Dimethyldecane/Methyl nitrite...
Goals: Determine SOA yield of OH radical oxidation of the VOC Summary: Alkanes were reacted with OH radicals in the presence of NOx in a 5900 L PTFE environmental chamber filled...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Kroll Lab_20220522_Hydrogen Peroxide/Nitric Oxide/...
Goals: Measure product distribution from the oxidation of DMDS under low NOx conditions, perturbing halfway through the experiment with an addition of NO as a source of NOx...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20200925_ALPHA-PINENE/OZONE/10102-44-...
Goals: To quantify the nitrooxy-hydroperoxide yield and the SOA yield from nighttime RO2+HO2-dominated NO3-initiated chemistry of a-pinene by adding H2O2 + ozone + NO2 to the...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20190425_ALPHA-PINENE/hydrogen peroxi...
Goals: To assess the feasibility of accessing nighttime HO2-dominated chemistry of a-pinene by adding H2O2 + ozone + NO2 to the chamber. Overall goals will include quantifying...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20190303_naphthalene_Hydroxyl ra...
Goals: generate naphthalene SOA for cellular ROS assay Summary: 550 ppb naphthalene injected and use HONO as the source of OH radical Organization: Ng Research Group Lab...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Caltech Atmospheric Chamber_20130906_trans-beta IE...
Goals: This experiment was performed to assess the reactive uptake behavior of trans beta-IEPOX that was synthesized for the experiment. Different particle inorganic...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: CAPS_20200402_None_No Seed
Goals: Determine Effective Base Concentration for various amines and mixtures. Summary: Includes measurements from PCC and vwCPC instruments. Organization: CAPS Lab Affiliation:...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20150426_a-Pinene_Nitrate radica...
Goals: The comparison of photochemical aging effect on SOA formed from monoterpenes + NO3 reaction Summary: Compared to b-pinene, a-pinene+NO3 shows low SOA loading &...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: NCAR_20050224_ETHYL FORMATE_Chlorine radical_No Se...
Goals: Determine products of ethyl formate oxidation in the atmosphere. Specifically, investigate atmospheric fate of HC(O)OCH(O.)CH3 radical. Summary: Photolyze Cl2/ethyl...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20160510_Pentadecane_Hydroxyl ra...
Goals: Generate SOA for health study. Summary: MX+HONO, photooxidation under drycondition. Organization: Ng Research Group Lab Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20220713_Ocimene/Ammonium Sulfate/Ozo...
Goals: To quantify SOA yield and gas-phase product yields from humid ozonolysis of b-ocimene, which will serve as a "control" experiment to subtract the ozonolysis contribution...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: 2014 FIXCIT Study_20140130_PINONALDEHYDE/Pinonic a...
Goals: Explore the gas-phase chemistry of pinonaldehyde when HO2, NO, and NO2 are all present. Summary: Synthesized pinonaldehyde was added through a heated line for a few hours...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: UCR-CECERT-APL-Cocker Group_20150202_2-METHYLNAPHT...
Goals: Photo-oxidation of two VOCs with OH under black lights. Summary: Target: 2-methylnaphthalene 30 ppb+H2O2 1 ppm (both) +m-xylene 90 ppb(A) INSTRUMENTS: SMPS, GC1, AMS,...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20190719_ALPHA-PINENE/OZONE_Ozone_Amm...
Goals: Control (no NO2) for 20190718, which itself is a control experiment for the O3+NO2+H2O2 series -- this one with no H2O2, and therefore likely very little HO2 formation...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Nguyen Group_20201224_2-methylbut-3-ene-1,2-diol/1...
Goals: Investigate 1,2-DHI + OH oxidation products under high-NOx conditions Summary: 1,2-DHI, NO, and H2O2 were injected and photooxidation was initiated by turning the UV...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ziemann_20071120_3,4-Diethylhexane/Methyl nitrite/...
Goals: Determine SOA yield of OH radical oxidation of the VOC Summary: Alkanes were reacted with OH radicals in the presence of NOx in a 5900 L PTFE environmental chamber filled...- dataset Archive
ICARUS Chamber Experiment: Ng Research Group_20160123_ALPHA-PINENE_Hydroxyl r...
Goals: Generate SOA for health study. Summary: AP+H2O2, photooxidation under drycondition. Organization: Ng Research Group Lab Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology...- dataset Archive