HLY-02-01 Ice Algal and Phytoplankton Photophysiological Measurements [Gradin...
This data set includes data obtained from water and ice samples that were collected in the Chukchi and Beaufort shelves and slope regions during the spring 2002 SBI expedition...- dataset Excel
Carbon export in the Eastern Bering Sea water column: Radionuclides (B56)
This dataset quantified seasonal and interannual changes in particulate organic carbon (POC) export under marginal ice zone (MIZ) and open water conditions in the outer-shelf...- dataset Excel ASCII XML
Sir Wilfrid Laurier (SWL) Cruise Merged Chemistry Parameters (2008)
This dataset includes measurements of water samples collected at hydrographic stations from the annual Canadian Coast Guard Service Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise during July 2008....- dataset Excel