Toolik Dry Tundra Ecosystem Flux [Welker, J., J. Fahnestock]
This dataset represents four growing seasons (1996, 1997, 1998, 2000) of ecosystem (plant + soil) respiration data from moist acidic tussock and dry heath tundra to the...- dataset ASCII
LBA: Manaus Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) Manaus Surface Meteorology...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
University of Utah Manual Snow Observations
This dataset contains manual snow observations taken at the North Redfield Observing Site (43.62445 N 75.8783 W), Sandy Creek Observing Site (43.6402 N 76.09715 W), and St. Joes...- dataset Excel PDF HTML
Toolik Snow Depth [Oberbauer]
This dataset represents initial snow depths on the season-extension project study site on May 2nd or May 3rd for years 1995-2001. There were control snow depths, snow removal...- dataset ASCII
Barrow Atqasuk Thaw [Webber]
This dataset contains data representing the thaw depths of ITEX plots in Barrow and Atqasuk in a text tab delimited format. The data presented are daily to seasonal thaw depths...- dataset ASCII
CAMP: Korean Haenam Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 3 (EOP-3) CEOP Asia-Australia Monsoon Project (CAMP) Korean...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
Ivotuk Snow Melt Data (Excel) [Sturm, M., G. Liston, J. Holmgren]
This data set contains snow melt data from the Snow, Shrubs, and Weather Group at the Ivotuk site as part of the ATLAS project. Melt data and snow depth measurements were taken...- dataset Excel
East Siberian Transect - Air, Ground Temperature and Snow Depth [Romanovsky, V.]
This dataset contains historical data covering the time period 1882-1994 for 21 Russian Stations located between approx 124-135.5 E and 60-71N. Time period covered by each...- dataset ASCII
NOAA/NOHRSC United States Snow Depth Imagery
This data set contains daily snow depth maps over the United States. The maps were generated by NOAA/NOHRSC and its National Snow Analysis.- dataset Image
Stossel Box Weight Data
Stossel Box Weight measurements, from two manual lysimeters, collected during the Sublimation of Snow (SOS) field project from 31 January to 2 March 2023. These measurements are...- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Flux and Climate Data (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
A single flux tower was constructed by Jason Beringer and operated during the snowmelt period at Ivotuk by Matt Sturm. Data processing and analysis was undertaken by Jason...- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Summer Leads Albedo Data(PRELIMINARY)(ASCII) [Paulson, C.]
This dataset contains data related to the Epply radiometers used to make surface measurements as part of the summer leads portion of SHEBA. Further information and pictures of...- dataset ASCII
NCDC Summary of the Day COOP Dataset
This dataset contains the GCIP/ESOP-98 National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Summary of the Day Co-operative (COOP) data for the ESOP-98 domain. The observations in this dataset...- dataset ASCII
NCDC Summary of the Day COOP Dataset
This dataset contains the GCIP/NESOB-97 National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Summary of the Day Co-operative (COOP) data for the NESOB-97 domain. The observations in this...- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Surface Mesonet NCAR PAM-III, Seattle site (PRELIMINARY)(ASCII) [And...
NCAR portable automated mesonet (PAM-III) station (Seattle site). One of six stations deployed in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the SHEBA Ice Camp. Other stations are Atlanta,...- dataset ASCII
Waseca, MN Surface Meteorological and Radiation Data
This data set consists of surface meteorological and radiation data collected at the Waseca, MN site operated by Dr. John Baker of the USDA/ARS. Parameters available include...- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Shrub Lines Snow Depth and Temperature Data (ASCII) [Sturm, M., G. Lis...
This dataset contains data taken by the Snow, Shrubs, and Weather Group at the Ivotuk site as part of the ATLAS project. Snow depths and temperatures of the snow-ground...- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Snow Melt Data (ASCII) [Sturm, M., G. Liston, J. Holmgren]
This data set contains snow melt data from the Snow, Shrubs, and Weather Group at the Ivotuk site as part of the ATLAS project. Melt data and snow depth measurements were taken...- dataset ASCII
ECMWF 0.25 Degree Forecast Model Grids (GRIB) [Barve,NPS]
This dataset contains ECMWF 0.25 degree (lon x lat = 561 x 261 points) resolution forecast model grids in GRIB format from NPS. Forecasts are initialized at 00 and 12 UTC every...- dataset GRIB
Ivotuk CALM-MAT Thawed Soil Depth (ASCII) [Epstein, H., D. Walker]
This is the Thawed Soil Depth Data collected at the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) grid site in Ivotuk during 1999. An Excel version of this dataset is also...- dataset ASCII