DY14 CTD Profile Data
This dataset contains oceanographic Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) profiles collected aboard the NOAAS Oscar Dyson in the northern Bering Sea during 2014. Data were...- dataset ASCII
SBI Bacteria Archaea (ASCII) [Kirchman, D.]
This data file contains the data on prokaryotic community stricture, including the abundance of bacteria and archaea determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-03 Service Group CTD Data (WHP Format) [Swift, J. et al.]
This data set consists of Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data in WHP Format from the Summer 2004 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-04-03). These data are...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-04 Service Group Bottle Data (WHP Format) [Swift, J. et al.]
This data set consists of Bottle Data in WHP Format from the 2004 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Mooring Cruise (HLY-04-04). These data are in a single comma-delimited...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-02 Underway Data
This data set contains 2 DVDs created aboard U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy ship at the end of the HLY-04-02 cruise. The DVDs were created by Lamont Doherty Earth...- dataset OTHER Excel PDF Image ASCII Archive Binary
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 2013 CTD Data ...
This dataset contains oceanographic CTD profiles collected with an SBE profiling CTD. The data were collected aboard the R/V Mirai along the line DBO 5 on September 3-4, 2013....- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Summer Leads Inherent Optical Properties (ASCII) [Pegau, W. S.]
This dataset contains data collected from a small lead about 1 km WNW of the SHEBA ship. The data were collected by a SeaBird SBE-25 Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) sensor,...- dataset ASCII
HX235 CTD Data
This is calibrated Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) downcast data from the Alpha Helix Cruise HX235, a mooring recovery and redeployment cruise during August and September...- dataset OTHER ASCII
HLY-02-01 Hydrographic Data Section Plots [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of plots of hydrographic data by section collected during the Spring 2002 United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-01). The plots are...- dataset Archive
AWS-02-I Hydrographic Data Station Plots [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of plots of hydrographic data by station collected during the 2002 Polar Star Mooring Cruise (AWS-02-I). The plots are PNG images and are provided in a...- dataset Archive
These Conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) profile data were collected as part of the Bering Arctic Subarctic Integrated Surveys (BASIS) cruises in the eastern Bering Sea...- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown CTD - Leg 2
This Dataset consists of Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) system data collected during the EPIC cruise of the NOAA Ship Ron Brown.- dataset ASCII
HX260 CTD Data
This is calibrated Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) downcast data from the Alpha Helix Cruise, mooring recovery and redeployment cruise June 2002. Data were post...- dataset OTHER ASCII
Oshoro-Maru XCTD and CTD Data for DBO3 July 2013
This dataset contains oceanographic CTD profiles collected with an SBE profiling CTD and a Sippican XCTD-1. The data were collected aboard the R/V Oshoro-Maru along the line DBO...- dataset ASCII
HX-235 ADCP Data [Woodgate, R.]
This is edited ship's Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and Sea Surface (SS) underway data from the Alpha Helix mooring recovery and redeployment cruise August and...- dataset PDF ASCII
HLY-02-03 Hydrographic Data Station Plots [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of plots of hydrographic data by station collected during the Summer 2002 United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-03). The plots are...- dataset Archive
HLY-02-01 CTD Data (MATLAB Format) [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Data in MATLAB Format from the Spring 2002 U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-01). These data...- dataset Matlab
HLY-02-01 Hydrographic Data Station Plots [Flagg, C.]
This data set consists of plots of hydrographic data by station collected during the Spring 2002 United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Cruise (HLY-02-01). The plots are...- dataset Archive
HX290 CTD Data
This is calibrated Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) downcast data from the Alpha Helix Cruise HX290, a mooring recovery and redeployment cruise during August and September...- dataset OTHER ASCII
HLY-04-03 NCAR EOl Service Group Cruise CD [NCAR EOL Service Group]
This CD ROM was created 25 August 2004 at the end of the SBI U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Summer Cruise. It is a subset of the NCAR EOL HLY-04-03 field catalog and...- dataset Archive