ETL Reprocessed Microwave Radiometer Retrievals [Orr, B., M. Shupe, T. Uttal]
Microwave radiometer data files provide retrievals of precipitable water vapor (PWV) and condensed liquid water path (LWP). These files are identical to the initial files...- dataset Archive
This data set contains AMSU-B (Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B) data from the NOAA POES satellites (K/L/M/N). These data were retrieved from the NOAA CLASS archive. The data...- dataset Archive
GOES-14 Imager 4 km Channel 3 (Water Vapor) Data (MciDAS Format)
This dataset contains 4-km resolution GOES-14 water vapor (channel 3) satellite data collected during the PECAN project. GOES-14 was brought out of storage during the first part...- dataset Archive
GOES-East 4KM RICO-Domain HDF data
This dataset contains sectored GOES-East satellite imager data at 4km resolution for the Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean (RICO) 2004-2005 domain. The data cover the period from...- dataset Archive
Radiometer Data at Bennett Mountain Site
This dataset contains the Radiometrics MP-Series microwave profiling radiometer data from the Bennett Mountain Site during the SNOWIE (Seeded and Natural Orographic Wintertime...- dataset ASCII
GOES-East 3-hourly 4km Multi-Spectral Channel Area Files Eastern Pacific
This dataset contains MCIDAS area files of GOES-8 Satellite data at 4 kilometer resolution. The data are tarred into dayfile. The data cover the period from 1 Sept - 31 Oct 2001...- dataset Archive
GOES-East 1KM RICO-Domain HDF data
This dataset contains sectored GOES-East satellite imager data at 1km resolution for the Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean (RICO) 2004-2005 domain. The data cover the period from...- dataset Archive
GOES-10 Imager Data
This data set contains 1-km resolution GOES-10 channel 1 (visible) and 4-km resolution GOES channel 2-5 data in netCDF format. These data were retrieved from the NOAA CLASS...- dataset Archive
CLAMPS-1 Microwave Radiometer (MWR) and Surface Meteorology Data
Surface meteorological and microwave brightness temperature data as well as retrievals of precipitable water vapor and liquid water path from the microwave radiometer (MWR) and...- dataset NetCDF Image
UK BAE-146 Navigation, State Parameter, Microphysics, Aerosol, and Chemistry ...
This data set contains state parameter, microphysics and navigation data from the BAE-146 aircraft during the RICO project. The data are all 32 Hz averaged with the main data...- dataset NetCDF
AMSR-E Tropical Cyclone Imagery
This data set contains Aqua AMSR-E satellite imagery centered over tropical systems in the western Pacific Ocean. The products include 36H, 36V, 85PCT, 89H, rain rate, sea...- dataset Image
UK BAE-146 Navigation, State Parameter, Microphysics, Aerosol, and Chemistry ...
This data set contains state parameter, microphysics and navigation data from the BAE-146 aircraft during the RICO project. The data are all 1 Hz averaged with the main data...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
NSF C-130 Meteorology Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer (AIMR) [Walther]
This data contains the C-130 Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer (AIMR) in "geo" and NetCDF format. No additional quality control was performed on this dataset by...- dataset Archive
SHEBA: Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer (AIMR) [NCAR/EOL/RSF] - raw aimr...
This data set includes Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer (AIMR) measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR C-130 aircraft (Tail Number: N130AR) during the Surface Heat Budget...- dataset Archive
The NOAA POES MSU Data is one of several satellite data sets collected by the National Center For Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) as part of the...- dataset OTHER
GOES 12 4KM Multi-channel Imagery - NetCDF
This dataset contains netCDF 4km resolution images from the GOES-12 satellite. Images are for the period and area of the START08 project.- dataset NetCDF
USAF C-130 Flight Level 30-second Resolution Data
This data set includes 30-second resolution flight level data from the WC-130 flights for the ITOP field program (15 August - 20 October 2010). Additional information is...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
NRL Tropical Storm Satellite KML Data
This data set contains Google Earth KML files that contain polar orbiting satellite imagery for the systems that ITOP flew (ITOP07, ITOP10 (Kompasu), ITOP14 (Malau), ITOP20...- dataset KML
NOAA N43 P-3 HRD Research Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) Data
This dataset contains Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data from the NOAA N43 aircraft collected as part of the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment...- dataset NetCDF
GOES-West Imager 13.3 Micron CH6 Data
This dataset contains GOES-15 Imager CH6 13.3 Micron Channel Satellite data (AREA format). The data are provided as TAR/GNU zip files. Each tar file contains all routine GOES...- dataset Archive