NSF/NCAR C-130 3V-CPI Raw 2D-S Imagery (RAF OAP .2d format)
The Three-View Cloud Particle Imager (3V-CPI) is a combination of three imaging instruments. Two of them comprise a 2D-S instrument, in which two 2D probes image particles as...- dataset Binary
SPICULE Chatlogs
Flight Chatlogs from the SPICULE (Secondary Production of Ice in Cumulus Experiment) field project, collected from 03 May to 25 June 2021 onboard the NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER...- dataset ASCII
PMS-2D Two-dimensional Cloud Probe data
This dataset contains raw (binary "filmstrip" imagery) files of PMS-2D data collected by the NSF/NCAR GV HIAPER during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Project...- dataset Binary
NASA DC-8 10 Second Data Merge
This data set contains NASA DC-8 10 Second Data Merge data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3) from 18 May 2012 through 22 June 2012....- dataset Archive ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data - 1 Hz [NCAR/EOL/RAF]
This dataset includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130Q Hercules aircraft (Tail Number N130AR) during the IDEAS-4 C130...- dataset NetCDF
Forward-Looking Digital Camera Imagery
During ICE-T, the C-130 flew a forward looking digital camera for in-flight video capture. Individual photo jpeg images were captured once per second during ICE-T flights....- dataset Archive ASCII
CIRPAS Twin Otter 1-hz Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the CIRPAS Twin Otter aircraft during the "Physics of Stratocumulus Tops" (POST) project off the west coast...- dataset ASCII
NASA DC-8 Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment (LASE) Imagery
NASA's Lidar Atmospheric Sensing Experiment (LASE) is an airborne Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) system used to measure water vapor, aerosols, and clouds throughout...- dataset ASCII Image
Low Rate (LRT - 1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-L...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR L188 Electra aircraft (Tail Number N308D) operated by NCAR from 1978-2000. This dataset contains low rate...- dataset NetCDF
Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP) [Haggerty, J. and M. J. Mahoney (NCAR/EO...
This dataset contains NGV Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP) data measure aboard the NSF/NCAR GV during HIPPO-3. The data are in NASA AMES format.- dataset ASCII
Aerosol Thermal DMA/OPC and LDMA/APS Integrals
This dataset contains aerosol size measurements from the NCAR C-130 intake, taken during the PASE (Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment) project on Christmas Island.- dataset ASCII
The armored T-28 aircraft was flown by the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT). The data from these flights were collected by SDSMT under agreement with the...- dataset NetCDF
High Rate (HRT - 25 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight...
This dataset includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR HIAPER GV aircraft (Tail Number N677F) during the SOCRATES project. This dataset contains high rate...- dataset NetCDF
DLR Falcon Navigation and State Parameter Data
This data set contains Falcon Navigation Data for the IHOP region. This data set covers the period from 17 May to 15 June 2002. The data are in ASCII format.- dataset ASCII
King Air QC-TILDAS Gas Phase NH3 2021 Phase Data
QC-TILDAS gas-phase ammonia (NH3) measurements collected aboard the University of Wyoming King Air aircraft during Phase 1 (July and August 2021) of the TRANS2AM campaign. The...- dataset ASCII
Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT Data in NetCDF format
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR QueenAir, B-80 aircraft (Tail Number N306D) during the CCOPE project. This dataset contains low rate...- dataset NetCDF
Particle Size Distribution (PSD) Data
This dataset contains Particle Size Distribution (PSD) data from the High Ice Water Content (HIWC) Radar Study project that took place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. These data...- dataset ASCII
Aircraft C-130 Carbon Dioxide Concentration (Kok)
This dataset contains carbon dioxide measurements taken aboard the NCAR C-130 aircraft during ACE-1 by Greg Kok (NCAR/RAF). The data consists of time (UTC), location, carbon...- dataset NetCDF
Forward-Looking Digital Camera Movies - final
During HIPPO-5, the GV_N677F flew a forward looking digital camera for in-flight video capture. Individual photo jpeg images were captured once per second during flights. Images...- dataset Movie
NCAR/NSF C-130 Mulitchannel Cloud Radiometer [NCAR/EOL]
The MCR is a seven-channel radiometer that scans between ±45° about the NSF/NCAR C-130 track. This dataset contains MCR data collected during the Instrument...- dataset Binary