How long is long enough when measuring fluxes and other turbulence statistics?
We determine how long a time series must be to estimate covariances and moments up to fourth order with a specified statistical significance. For a given averaging time T there...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 5, 12 July 1978: First Echo Case
A small, isolated, short-lived cumulus congestus was studied using primarily a10 cm radar, a cloud penetration with an instrumented sailplane, and time-lapse photography froman...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 9, 13 June 1974: Mature Storm ...
An unusually isolated storm that had had a relatively constant intensity for at least an hour travelled into the NHRE observing network on June 13, 1974, and dissipated therein....- publication PDF
Data Catalog for the 1970 Colorado Lee Wave Observational Program
The 1970 Colorado Lee Wave Observational Program provided the second period of intensive measurements of mountain-induced airflow over the central Rocky Mountains. The first...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 2, 22 July 1976: First Echo Case
This is one of a series of documents reporting data on aircraft penetrations in convective clouds, ranging from cumulus congestus to thunderstorms, in northeastern Colorado and...- publication PDF
A Study of Synoptic and Mesoscale Interaction Over the GATE Ship Network: 4-5...
During the period 4-5-6 September 1974, several small-scale systems developed within the A-B ship array. One of these, on 5 September, was investigated by research aircraft on a...- publication PDF
Circulation Statistics for the Extratropical Northern Hemisphere Based on NMC...
Polar stereographic maps and meridional cross-sections of selected circulation statistics for the extratropical regions from 1000 to 100 mb (20-90��N) of the Northern...- publication PDF
The microphysics and dynamics of convective clouds--A colloquium
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Characterization of Uncertainty in Measurements of Wind from the NSF/NCAR Gul...
This technical note presents an analysis of uncertainty for measurements of wind from the Gulfstream V research aircraft operated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 10, 22 July 1975: Mature Storm...
This Technical Note is a case study of one of the storms examined in the 1975 field season of the National Hail Research Experiment, during which the two primary observing...- publication PDF
The Relative Accuracy of ALPEX Aircraft Data / an Evaluation of the ALPEX Int...
During the ALPEX progran, three participating large research aircraft - the NCAR Electra, the NOAA P5, and the DFVLR Falcon - joined for an interccmparison flight. Using the...- publication PDF
The Marine Boundary Layer, From Air-sea Interface to Inversion
An overview is given of the structure of the marine boundary layer including the molecular interactions at the interface, the transfer processes in the surface layer, and the...- publication PDF
Summer Fellowship in Scientific Computing / Computing Facility Summer 1978
The papers presented in this document summarize the research and programming work completed during the summer of 1978 by eight students who participated in the Summer Fellowship...- publication PDF
Conversations With Jule Charney
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Uncorrelated Noise in Turbulence Measurements
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Summary Report--Fellowship in Scientific Computing Summer 1972
The 1972 Summer Fellowship Program in Scientific Computing was held at the NCAR Laboratory from June 19 through the end of August. The collection of papers included in this...- publication PDF
The Mean Circulation of the Tropical and Subtropical Atmosphere-July
The purpose of this atlas is to provide a long-term data set to describe the mean structure of the tropical atmosphere straddling the equator for the period of the northern...- publication PDF
Workshop on Numerical Modeling and Physical Reality
This report contains speakers' abstracts as presented at the workshop on Numerical Modeling and Physical Reality held at the Mesa Laboratory of NCAR on September 3-5, 1997 and...- publication PDF
Lecture Notes on The Planetary Boundary Layer
This set of lecture notes introduces the dynamics, statistics, clouds, and models of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The author prepared the notes for graduate classes while...- publication PDF
On Atmospheric Simulation: A Colloquium
To assess a national need for facilities to simulate atmospheric processes, a Colloquium on Atmospheric Simulation was set up to survey current laboratory experimentation on...- publication PDF