GCIP/NESOB-97 Surface: Momentum Flux Composite
This data set is a composite of momentum flux data from the NOAA/ATDD Little Washita site and the ECOR sites. It is composed of half hourly observations of average wind vector...- dataset ASCII
GOES North Pacific Winds WV Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains North Pacific winds WV imagery from the GOES satellite taken during the HIPPO-4 project. The imagery are in GIF format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
NCAR/EOL ISS Surface Meteorology Products - ISS3 York Airport Site
Surface Meteorology data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located at the York, NE airport during the GRAINEX field campaign. These data include...- dataset NetCDF
Surface Atmospheric Measurement Systems 5 Minute Average Data Surrounding Gra...
This dataset contains Surface Atmospheric Measurement Systems (SAMS) 5 Minute Average data collected from the area surrounding Granite Peak during the Mountain Terrain...- dataset Matlab
University of Notre Dame Halo Photonics Streamline Scanning Doppler LiDAR Dat...
This data set contains the University of Notre Dame's Halo Photonics Streamline Scanning Doppler LiDAR data. Data was collected during intense observation periods between 2...- dataset Archive
NRL P-3 Dropsonde Data
NCAR/EOL dropsonde profile sounding from the NRL P-3 aircraft during the Hurricane RAinband and INtensity change EXperiment (RAINEX), which took place from August 27 to November...- dataset ASCII
Kalamazoo ICICLE Ground Suite
This dataset contains ground-based measurements collected from the Kalamazoo ICICLE Ground Suite during the ICICLE (In-Cloud ICing and Large-drop Experiment) field campaign from...- dataset NetCDF
MTSAT-2 Rapid-Scan Atmospheric Motion Vector Data
This data set contains atmospheric motion vector (AMV) data derived from the MTSAT-2 satellite rapid scan (4 or 15 minute) data over the T-PARC region. AMVs were derived from...- dataset ASCII
Tahoe Mobile Plume Tracking Vehicle 2022 Phase Measurements
Data collected from several instruments that were on-board the Colorado State University Tahoe mobile plume tracking vehicle during Phase 2 (August and September 2022) of the...- dataset ASCII
IMK 2.8 km COSMO Model Imagery on Domain 1 Using IFS Boundary Conditions
his data set contains COSMO (Consortium for Small Scale Modeling) model forecast imagery from the 2.8 km resolution version of the model on domain 1 (flex1) and using the ECMWF...- dataset Archive
Mandatory and Significant Level Sounding Data Set
This data set consists of mandatory and significant level sounding data for the UMRBPP. It contains soundings from Dodge City and Topeka, KS; Denver and Grand Junction, CO;...- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Surface Mesonet NCAR PAM-III, site position/drift (GIF) [Andreas, E....
Four NCAR portable automated mesonet (PAM-III) stations (Atlanta, Baltimore, Cleveland and Florida sites) are deployed in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the SHEBA Ice Camp....- dataset Image
NSF/NCAR GV Dropsonde Data [NCAR/EOL]
During PREDICT the NSF/NCAR Gulfstream-V aircraft released EOL/AVAPS dropsondes over the Atlantic basin during the months of August and September 2010. This data set has...- dataset ASCII
CIMIS Weather Station Data
This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological data from the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) weather stations. CIMIS is a program in...- dataset ASCII HTML
UAH MIPS 915 MHz Wind Profiler Data
This data set contains wind profiles from the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) 915 MHz wind profiler during the 2017 VORTEX-SE field season. The 915 MHz wind profiler is...- dataset Archive
SPEC Learjet Instrument Data and Imagery
This dataset contains SPEC Learjet instrumentation data and imagery collected during the Ice in Clouds Experiment - Tropical (ICE-T) project. It consists of 1Hz ASCII data for...- dataset Archive KML Image
LBA: Manaus Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) Manaus Surface Meteorology...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
CLAMPS-2 Doppler Lidar Wind Data
Vertical wind profiles from the Doppler lidar that was deployed as part of the CLAMPS (Collaborative Lower Atmospheric Mobile Profiling System) site at the Belle Mina, Alabama...- dataset NetCDF Image
NRL P-3 NCAR/EOL Dropsonde Data
Dropsonde sounding profiles released from the NRL P-3 aircraft during the T-PARC (THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign 2008) experiment (12 August to 4 October 2008). These...- dataset ASCII
NOAA/ESRL/PSD NAME Supersite (Obispo) Turbulent Flux Data
This dataset is a single file consisting of lines of data, each with 8 fields, posted every 30 minutes. The data are taken from a Applied Technologies Inc. Sonic...- dataset ASCII