NMC B3 Operational Model 47 by 51 Northern Hemisphere Tropospheric Analyses, ...
This dataset contains daily gridded Northern Hemisphere analyses from NMC's operational model on a 47 by 51 polar-stereographic grid centered on the North Pole. Available...- dataset Binary
Northern Hemisphere Winter Circulation Statistics
Winter seasonal circulation statistics for the Northern Hemisphere were derived from NMC analyses by Ngar-Cheung (Gabriel) Lau. Grids are available at various tropospheric...- dataset Binary
Monthly Northern Hemisphere 2.5-degree Tropospheric Analyses for 1946-1972
This dataset contains a time-series collection of monthly Northern Hemisphere tropospheric data on a 2.5-degree latitude/longitude grid. These grids were created by DSS from the...- dataset GRIB
GCIP FSL MAPS MORDS and MOLTS data, hourly.
The NOAA FSL MAPS model data (including Model Output Reduced Data Set (MORDS) and Model Location Time Series (MOLTS) data) for the GCIP project. The MAPS model used for GCIP is...- dataset GRIB
China Summary of Day, May to September 1979
These data are from a special cooperative agreement between the National Science Foundation and the People's Republic of China to make observations in Tibet during the First...- dataset ASCII
ERA5 Reanalysis (Monthly Mean 0.25 Degree Latitude-Longitude Grid)
For RDA ERA5 monthly mean data prior to 1979, please see ds633.5: ERA5 monthly mean back extension 1950-1978 (Preliminary version) [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds633.5/] After...- dataset GRIB NetCDF
NMC B3 ADP Global Upper Air Observations, daily March 1962 to December 1972
DSS presents a global synoptic set of 12 hourly upper air data reports. These were operationally collected by NMC. They include radiosondes, pibals and aircraft reports received...- dataset Binary
Japanese 25-year Reanalysis Project, Monthly Means
The Japanese 25-year Reanalysis (JRA-25) represents the first long-term global atmospheric reanalysis undertaken in Asia. Covering the period 1979-2004, it was completed using...- dataset Binary NetCDF
GISS Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
This dataset contains outputs from climate models at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) for use in assessing the impact of increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations...- dataset Binary
High Resolution WRF Simulations of the Current and Future Climate of North Am...
Note: ds612.5 CONUS (Continental U.S.) II High Resolution Present and Future Climate Simulation has superseded this dataset. The dataset is from a high resolution climate change...- dataset NetCDF
Trenberth's ECMWF WMO Global Tropospheric Long Term Monthly Mean Analyses
The 5-year (1985-1989) and long term monthly means are calculated using ECMWF global tropospheric analyses between December 1978 and December 1989. The results are archived in...- dataset Binary
ERA-40 Upper Air Analysis on Potential Vorticity Surface
Upper air analysis on potential vorticity surface data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are in this archive.- dataset GRIB
An Ensemble of Atmospheric Forcing Files from a CAM reanalysis
This dataset contains files that are an ensemble of 'coupler history' files from an 80-member reanalysis performed with the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) using the...- dataset NetCDF
Observations and gridded forcing products input into the NCEP Climate Forecas...
NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFSR and CFSv2) initial conditions, full ingest data are found in this dataset collection. These data include conventional and satellite...- dataset GRIB Binary
Arctic System Reanalysis (ASR) Project
The Arctic System Reanalysis (ASR) is produced using a high-resolution version of the Polar Weather Forecast Model (PWRF) and High Resolution Land Data Assimilation (HRLDAS)...- dataset NetCDF
Brazilian Air Force Rawinsondes and Pibals, January 1950-November 1986
NCDC has provided rawinsonde data for eleven Brazilian stations and pibal data for thirty stations for the general period January 1950 to November 1986. The actual period,...- dataset Binary NetCDF
U.S.A.F. Radiosondes, Pibals, Aircraft, and Surface Observations, 1973-1980
The U.S. Air Force collated various upper air and surface data into a standard data format that they called "DATSAV". The observations cover the period from 1973 to 1980.- dataset ASCII
NCDC TD9518 Daily Ozone Soundings, 1963Sep-1969May
Daily ozone soundings are available for 16 U.S. stations from September 1963 through May 1969. Thermodynamic data are also included for each sounding.- dataset Binary
NCEP/NCAR Global Reanalysis 8-day Forecast Products
This data set contains forecast products from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project. The resolution of the Reanalysis Forecast Model is T62 (209 km) with 28 vertical sigma levels....- dataset GRIB
Line Island Experiment Surface and Upper Air Observations, February to April ...
The Line Islands Experiment of 1967 produced extensive data on disturbances in the equatorial trough zone. DSS has some surface and upper-air data from this experiment for...- dataset Binary ASCII