Circulation Statistics From January and July Simulation With the NCAR Communi...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
An Implementation Plan for Cool Season Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Circulation Statistics From Seasonal and Perpetual January and July Simulatio...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI 2017
It has been the seventh International Workshop on Climate Informatics and we believe it had much success in accelerating discovery at the intersection of these disciplines. For...- publication PDF
UCAR/NCAR Junior Faculty Forum on Future Scientific Directions
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) Climate Downscaling Dataset
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) climate downscaling dataset was created to provide a high-resolution depiction of present and future climate scenarios in the...- publication PDF
CAMELS: Large-Sample Hydrometeorological Dataset
This is a community data set of daily forcing and hydrologic response data for 671 small- to medium-sized basins across the contiguous United States (median basin size of 336...- dataset ASCII Shapefile
Mass-Conserving Downscaling of Climate Model Precipitation over Mountainous T...
Contains the parameters/set-up for a VIC model run along with the input and post-processed output from the model along with a python notebook to recreate the figures in the GRL...- dataset OTHER ASCII NetCDF
Machine learning-based detection of weather fronts and associated extreme pre...
These data are the results of high resolution simulations with the Community Earth System Model, version 1.3 (CESM1.3). These simulations form the basis of a publication...- dataset HDF NetCDF
Agashashok Microclimate
This dataset includes hourly measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, precipitation, soil temperature and soil water content collected in support of a...- dataset ASCII
Barrow Area NonGis Data and Tramline Pictures
The following dataset includes NonGis data from the years 2005-2009. The bulk of the data are tram spectral data, tram photographs, and metadata. Also included in this dataset...- dataset Archive
ARCMIP: EASE-Grid Model Data
Model data from participating Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) modelers was re-gridded to fit the ARCMIP EASE-Grid, a 50km equal area grid on a...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
Gridded ERA-40 Reanalysis Data for Western Arctic Linkage Experiment (WALE)
This data set includes monthly-mean air temperature and precipitation data for areas in Alaska and northwestern Canada, between 55°N and 65°N, and 160°W and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
ArcticRIMS: NCEP Reanalysis Precipitation, Aggregated by Administrative Regions
This dataset contains NCEP Reanalysis Precipitation Data, Aggregated by Administrative Regions. Gridded daily time step data from Ohio State University based on National Centers...- dataset Archive
Alaska North Slope (Sagavanirktok River) Meteorological Data, 1994 and 1995
This dataset contains meteorological, soil and vegetation data collected in 1994 and 1995 from a site adjacent to the Sag River (Slope Mountain) Alaska Department of...- dataset ASCII
Meteorological and Hydrographic Data, Kuparuk River Watershed
The data files in this data set contain climate and hydrographic information from sites on the North Slope of Alaska. The variables collected were temperature, humidity, wind...- dataset ASCII Archive
Barrow Area Remote Sensing- BE CH4 Fall 2009
This data set contains half-hourly vertical fluxes of CO2, CH4, and related environmental measurements taken at the Biocomplexity Experimental Site in northern Alaska during the...- dataset ASCII
Growing Season Energy and CO2 Fluxes over a Larch Forest Tundra Ecosystem in ...
This data set includes eddy covariance measurements of carbon and energy fluxes over a larch forest-tundra ecosystem near the latitudinal treeline, collected near Cherskii,...- dataset Excel ASCII
ArcticRIMS: Precipitation From ERA-40 Re-analysis , Aggregated by Administrat...
This data set provides estimates of daily total precipitation from the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-40 Reanalysis (ECMWF 2002). Data cover the...- dataset Archive
Kuparuk Basin Watershed Studies [Kane, D., L. Hinzman]
This is an external link to a University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC) website where Kuparuk Basin watershed studies data and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT