HLY-04-03 ADCP Data (10-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
TheUnited States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit and...- dataset ASCII
HLY-03-01 ADCP Data (2-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
The United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit...- dataset ASCII
PacMARS Surface Sediment Parameters (1970-2012)
This dataset contains summary measurements of surface sediment collected at each station for the identified cruise, with parameters (sediment grain size: <=0 phi, 1 phi, 2...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
USCGC Healy HLY-03-03 Ship Log - Weather Information [USCG]
This data set contains the weather logs taken aboard the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy HLY-03-03 cruise. The logs are in HTML format.- dataset HTML
HLY-02-03 ADCP Data (5-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
The United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit...- dataset ASCII
Phytoplankton Counts and Carbon Data
These data were collected from process stations and other stations where bulk chlorophyll (Chl) measurements were taken on the following Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea...- dataset Excel
HLY-02-03 Sediment Core Lipid Analysis - Station 21 (ASCII) [Harvey, R.]
This data set represents an analysis of fatty acids and neutral lipids in sediments from an undisturbed core taken with a box corer during the 2002 United States Coast Guard...- dataset ASCII
NODC Buoy Data
This dataset contains data from the NOAA Marine Environmental Buoy Database (NODC File 291). It contains wind, wave, and other marine data collected by the NOAA National Data...- dataset ASCII
Lake-ICE Surface: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Data
This data set contains the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Buoy, CMAN, U.S. Coast Guard, Ships, Surface Airways, and Other Marine Reports stations. Measurements...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 Benthic Station Data (benthic faunal data and sediment tracers) (AS...
This data set contains measurements at each station of benthic parameters, including bottom water parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen, delta 18O), benthic...- dataset ASCII
Long-term observations on the Bering Sea shelf: Sediment mooring data from mo...
This project is a continuation of a long-term partnership between National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and North Pacific Research Board (NPRB). Moorings have...- dataset XML Archive
P-1 Corrected Probe Data from P1-92-AR (ASCII) [Darby, D.]
This data represents corrected data for the mineral content for the Piston Core sample P-1 taken at P1-92-AR. This is in plain text (ASCII) format, but is also under "SBI:...- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown Near-Surface Mean Meteorology and Fluxes (30-min) - Leg 1 and L...
This dataset contains computations of bulk meteorological variables and fluxes derived the ETL system based on preliminary analysis done during Leg 1 and Leg 2 of the EPIC2001...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-04-03 NCAR EOl Service Group Cruise CD [NCAR EOL Service Group]
This CD ROM was created 25 August 2004 at the end of the SBI U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Summer Cruise. It is a subset of the NCAR EOL HLY-04-03 field catalog and...- dataset Archive
Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Project, Local and Traditional Knowl...
The data set contains a coded Excel spreadsheet of local and traditional knowledge interview questions and responses, and a results narrative collected from eleven people...- dataset Excel PDF XML
HLY-04-04 ADCP Data (2-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
The United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit...- dataset ASCII
Hydrographic Parameters from Fram Strait and Denmark Strait, 1998
This data set includes data for the following parameters: dissolved barium; bottom depth; pressure; temperature; salinity; dissolved oxygen; phosphate; siliceous acid; nitrate;...- dataset Excel HTML ASCII
CNS Data for Box Core Sample B-3 taken at P1-92-14 (Excel) [Cutter, G.]
This data represents the carbon, nitrogen, and silicon content of the Box Core sample B-3 taken at P1-92-AR.- dataset Excel
HLY-08-02 Sensor Calibration Data [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset includes calibration data from the sensors onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research...- dataset Archive
RADARSAT SAR Sea Ice Imagery [H. Stern and Moritz, R.]
The Canadian RADARSAT satellite collected 195 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of the SHEBA site between November 1, 1997, and October 8, 1998 (roughly one image every 3-5...- dataset Image