The Delta-Eddington Approximation for a Vertically Inhomogeneous Atmosphere
The delta-Eddington approximation of Joseph, Wiscombe, and Weinman (1976) is extended to an atmosphere divided up by internal levels into homogeneous layers. Flux continuity is...- publication PDF
Comparison of NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM) Climates
The purpose of this project is to establish the climate record of four versions of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model (CCM). All four...- publication PDF
A User's Guide to the VEMAP Phase 1 Database
The Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) is an ongoing multi-institutional, international effort addressing the response of biogeography and...- publication PDF
GENLN2: A General Line-by-line Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance Model. ...
This report constitutes documentation for Version 3.0 of the GENLN2 suite of programs as of November 1991.This report is intended to be a working document for those using...- publication PDF
Seminar on Possible Responses of Weather Phenomena to Variable Extra-Terrestr...
Workshop, June 16 to July 28, Open Meeting, July 29 and 30, 1965 Boulder, CO This document reports the discussions and presentations that took place during the workshop. The...- publication PDF
On the Weather of Venezuela: A Summary Report on the Venezuela Experiments of...
In this report the methodology and execution of the Venezuela meteorological and hydrological experiments of 1969 and 1972 are discussed. The radiation balance and water balance...- publication PDF
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI 2017
It has been the seventh International Workshop on Climate Informatics and we believe it had much success in accelerating discovery at the intersection of these disciplines. For...- publication PDF
Monthly Mean Global Satellite Data Sets Available in CCM History Tape Format
This report describes work completed on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) project, "Intercomparison of Satellite-Based Global Data Sets with Global...- publication PDF
Preprocessing of Airborne Pyranometer Data
Eppley pyranometers are employed to measure the up- and downwelling short wavelength radiation fluxes in the atmosphere. The quality of the data used to investigate the...- publication PDF
Global Atmospheric Circulation Statistics, 1000-1 mb
This atlas presents atmospheric general circulation statistics derived from twelve years (1979-1990) of daily National Meteorological Center (NMC) operational geopotential...- publication PDF
A Composite, High-Resolution Solar Spectrum From 2080 to 3600 A
To satisfy a need for digitized information on the solar spectrum between 2000 and 3600 A, an attempt was made to combine the available measurements into a composite,...- publication PDF
Atlas of Computed Infrared Atmospheric Absorption Spectra: Atmospheric Transm...
An atlas of atmospheric absorption calculations is presented for a vertical path through the atmosphere above altitudes of 4, 14, 30, 40, 45, and 54 km. The calculations are...- publication PDF
Climatology of UV-A, UV-B, and Erythemal Radiation at the Earth's Surface, 19...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) Climate Downscaling Dataset
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) climate downscaling dataset was created to provide a high-resolution depiction of present and future climate scenarios in the...- publication PDF
Global horizontal irradiance from WRF-Solar and NSRDB over CONUS
This dataset has been used in the publication: Jimenez, P.A., J. Yang, J.-H. Kim, M. Sengupta, and J. Dudhia: Assessing the WRF-Solar model performance using satellite-derived...- dataset HDF
Data for IMF By paper
This dataset is the data that used to generate the figures of the JGR-space physic paper that is going to be submitted: The effects of IMF By on the middle thermosphere during a...- dataset HDF
CESM2 Initialized 2019/20 Australian Wildfire Simulations
The coupled climate response to biomass burning emissions from the 2019/20 Australian wildfire season is estimated from the contrast between this 30-member ensembles using CESM2...- dataset HDF NetCDF
CCSM run aschmidt, Atmosphere Climatology, Unspecified Time Frequency, version 1
We calculate the climatic effects of explosive volcanic eruptions between 1979 and 2015 using a more complex climate model simulation than has been used previously. This...- dataset NetCDF
2017 August Eclipse GITM simulation
This data present GITM simulation results using different solar masks during the 2017 August Eclipse. Detailed descriptions of the masks used for the simulation can be found in...- dataset ASCII Archive
CONUS air quality reanalysis dataset (2005-2018)
This 14 year hourly air quality reanalysis dataset is generated through daily assimilation of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth...- dataset ASCII NetCDF