NSF/NCAR C-130 Imagery Products
This dataset contains Imagery Products collected from the NSF/NCAR C-130 during the VOCALS project. The PNG files cover the time period from October 15, 2008 to November 15,...- dataset PDF KML Image
Ivotuk Moss Site Grid Description with Photo [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a grid description and photo for the Ivotuk 4 (Moss) grid on the Arctic Slope, Alaska. The data were collected on the grid in 1998.- dataset PDF
HLY-04-02 Underway Data
This data set contains 2 DVDs created aboard U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy ship at the end of the HLY-04-02 cruise. The DVDs were created by Lamont Doherty Earth...- dataset OTHER Excel PDF Image ASCII Archive Binary
Ron Brown Cruise Reports - Leg 2
This report documents the work done on cruise RB-01-08 of the NOAA R/V Ron Brown. This was Leg 2 of R/V Ron Brown's participation in Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate...- dataset PDF
Estimates of Large-Scale Fluxes in High Latitudes [Dargaville, R.]
This dataset includes the paper "Estimates of Large-Scale Fluxes in High Latitudes from Terrestrial Biosphere Models and an Inversion of Atmospheric CO2 Measurements"...- dataset PDF ASCII
Chat Logs and Flight Notes
This dataset contains chat logs and flight notes from the NASA DC-8 aircraft from the High Ice Water Content 2022 (HIWC 2022) project that was based in Jacksonville, Florida....- dataset Excel PDF ASCII
Daily Weather Discussions
These are the daily weather discussions that were sent to the participants via the Great Plains Irrigation Experiment (GRAINEX) google mailing list during the GRAINEX project...- dataset PDF
Mobile Disdrometer Data
Most of the 2009 deployments took place around midnight UTC and the 2009 data are sorted per event. Because the disdrometer creates a new file at midnight, there are duplicate...- dataset Archive PDF ASCII
NOAA P-3 Meteorology Navigation and State Parameters - Standard Tape Format
The EPIC Aircraft: P-3 Meteorology Navigation and State Parameters dataset in NOAA/AOC Standard Tape format is one of several datasets archived by the University Corporation for...- dataset PDF OTHER
HX-235 ADCP Data [Woodgate, R.]
This is edited ship's Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and Sea Surface (SS) underway data from the Alpha Helix mooring recovery and redeployment cruise August and...- dataset PDF ASCII
TEM Model Output for North American Boreal Forests [McGuire, A. D. et al.]
This dataset includes model output of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) for the gridcell containing the black spruce northern study area (-98.5, 55.5) compared to available...- dataset Excel PDF ASCII
NOAA P-3 1Hz Flight Level Data
This data set contains the 1Hz flight level observations from the NOAA P-3 (N43) during several PECAN IOPs from 17 June to 13 July 2015. Also included are the error summary...- dataset NetCDF PDF
Glacial Geology of Toolik Lake and Upper Kuparuk Region [Walker, D.]
This paper is a support document for the Glacial Geology map of the Upper Kuparuk River Region, Alaska by T.D. Hamilton/edited by D.A. Walker. The paper discusses the glacial...- dataset PDF
Wadati Conference Hydrologic Response Abstract [Hinzman, L., D. Kane, D. Goer...
This is an abstract of the paper submitted by Hinzman et al. entitled Hydrologic Response and Feedbacks to a Warmer Climate in Arctic Regions. This Study was presented at the...- dataset PDF
UMass XPOL NetCDF Data
This dataset includes the netCDF data from the Mobile UMass XPOL radar during the VORTEX2 project. There may be multiple deployments in a single day tar file. When ordering, the...- dataset Archive PDF
2003 Helo Survey CTD Data [Christensen, J. and H. Melling]
Early spring sampling was performed in the eastern area of the Shelf-Basin Interactions Project using aircraft. Flights began on 1 April 2003 and finished on 15 April. During...- dataset PDF ASCII
R/V Ron Brown Aerosol Sub- and super-micron elemental and organic carbon (net...
This dataset contains aerosol sub- and super-micron elemental and organic carbon measurements taken aboard the Ron Brown ship during the ACE-Asia field project. This dataset...- dataset PDF
Sandy Creek Snow Study Station Data
This dataset contains Sandy Creek Snow Study Station data and images. The Sandy Creek Snow Study Station provided stationary, in situ measurements of meteorological variables...- dataset PDF ASCII Image
NWS Cooperative Observer Daily Observations Data
This data set contains daily observations of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, as well as other parameters from the National Weather Service Cooperative Network....- dataset PDF ASCII
LSC-NCAR Photogrammetry and Damage Surveys - CAMB
This data set contains the VORTEX2 LSC-NCAR Photogrammetry data collected by team CAMB during the two VORTEX2 field phases (i.e., 10 May 2009 to 13 June 2009 and 1 May 2010 to...- dataset Archive Movie PDF