MIPS 915 MHz Profiler NIMA-processed Consensus Wind and Moments Data
This data set contains NIMA/NWCA-processed 30 minute resolution consensus wind and moments data from the MIPS 915 MHz profiler for select IOPs during the PLOWS field seasons....- dataset ASCII
GTS Mandatory/Significant Level Sounding Data (EOL Format)
National weather agencies around the world routinely release radiosondes at 00 and/or 12 UTC with occasional special releases. This data set includes the quality controlled...- dataset ASCII
Multi-Network Composite Highest Resolution Upper Air Data
This data set is a composite of radiosondes and dropsondes collected from 3 dropsonde and 4 radiosonde platforms during the Pre-Depression INvestigation of Cloud-systems in the...- dataset ASCII
Indonesia Site - Kupang Radiosonde L3.2 Data
This data set includes 349 high vertical resolution soundings from Kupang, Indonesia (WMO 97372) collected during the DYNAMO field campaign for 2011-12. Soundings were typically...- dataset ASCII
WRF ARW 15km Kain-Fritsch Convective Parameterization Forecast Products for G...
This dataset consists of WRF ARW 15km with Kain-Fritsch Convective Parameterization Model Products for Galapagos for the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogen...- dataset Image
NWS Mandatory and Significant Level Sounding Data
The GCIP/LSANW 99 Mandatory and Significant Level Sounding data set contains sounding data extracted from the NOAA/FSL radiosonde database for 17 NWS sites over the GCIP...- dataset ASCII
NSSL Windsond Quality Controlled Data
Vertical profiles of temperature, moisture, and wind from the Sparv Embedded Windsond systems operated by the NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in locations around...- dataset ASCII
NOAA Wind Profiler Network Hourly Winds
This dataset contains the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 405 MHZ Wind Profiler Network (WPN) hourly data from 10 sites within the ESOP 1998 area of...- dataset ASCII
NWS High Resolution Radiosonde Data
The GCIP/EAOP-98 6 second NWS soundings data set contains high resolution sounding data extracted from NWS MicroART sounding systems at fourteen sites over the GCIP LSA-East...- dataset ASCII
UAH MIPS 915 MHz Profiler NIMA-processed Consensus Wind and Moments 30-minute...
This data set contains NIMA/NWCA-processed 30 minute resolution consensus wind and moments data and associated wind plots from the MIPS 915 MHz profiler collected during the...- dataset OTHER ASCII Image
ARM-CART High-Resolution (2 second) Soundings
This dataset contains upper air soundings taken at the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement - Clouds and Radiation Testbed (ARM-CART) site in Oklahoma. Data from five ARM-CART...- dataset ASCII
MAPS MOLTS Derived Soundings
The GCIP/EOP MAPS MOLTS Derived Soundings data set contains NOAA/FSL MAPS Model Location Time Series (MOLTS) derived soundings from up to 489 locations over North America. These...- dataset ASCII
SOAS Quality Controlled ISS Radiosonde Data
The National Center for Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) operated a GPS Advanced Upper-air Sounding System (GAUS) radiosonde system as part of its...- dataset ASCII
DYCOMS-II Aircraft: C-130 Mandatory and Significant Level Dropsonde Data
The C-130 Mandatory and Significant Level Dropsonde Data is one of several aircraft data sets collected by the National Center For Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing...- dataset ASCII
NCAR GAUS QC Radiosonde Data
The Global Atmospheric Upper-Air System radiosonde dataset from the Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning EXperiment (TELEX) consists of 27 soundings launched from various...- dataset ASCII
NSF/NCAR GV (HIAPER) QC Dropsonde Data
Dropsonde sounding profiles collected between June 1 and Aug 12, 2015 during the CSET (Cloud System Evolution in the Trades) campaign. These data are provided in the EOL format...- dataset ASCII
NOAA P-3 Dropsonde High Resolution L3 Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the temperature, humidity, and wind profile data from the NCAR AVAPS dropsonde system that was on-board the NOAA P-3 aircraft N43RF for the flights during...- dataset NetCDF
UAH MAPNet RaDAPS 915MHz Radar Wind Profiler (RWP) Data
Data from the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) Mobile Atmospheric Profiling Network (MAPNet) Rapidly Deployable Profiling Systems (RaDAPS) 915 MHz Radar Wind Profiler...- dataset NetCDF
STAR Upper Air Soundings
This dataset contains upper air meteorological rawinsonde soundings from the operational Environment Canada observing stations in the STAR domain. The data contains the Iqaluit,...- dataset ASCII
This data set contains 30 minute resolution vertical profiles of wind speed, wind direction, and temperature from the Scintec MFAS SODAR (SOnic Detection and Ranging) with RASS...- dataset ASCII