WRF 4KM Mixing Ratio Forecast Imagery (Rock Springs to Ogallala)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer vertical cross-sections of four different mixing ratios, ice number concentration, and...- dataset Image
WRF ARW 15km Tiedtke Convective Parameterization Forecast Products for Galapagos
This dataset consists of WRF ARW 15km with Tiedtke Convective Parameterization Forecast Products for Galapagos for the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogen...- dataset Image
WRF 4KM Vertical Velocity Forecast Imagery (Craig to Imperial)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer cross-sections of vertical velocity. The imagery was generated from Craig, CO to Imperial, NE...- dataset Image
WRF 4KM Mixing Ratio Forecast Imagery (Jackson to Douglas)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer vertical cross-sections of four different mixing ratios, ice number concentration, and...- dataset Image
WRF 1KM Vertical Velocity Forecast Imagery (Winter Park to Platteville)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 1 kilometer cross-sections of vertical velocity. The imagery was generated from Winter Park, CO to...- dataset Image
WRF 4KM Equivalent Potential Temperature Forecast Imagery (Craig to Burlington)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer vertical cross-sections of Theta-E (Equivalent Potential Temperature). The imagery was generated...- dataset Image
WRF 1KM Relative Humidity Forecast Imagery (Winter Park to Platteville)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 1 kilometer vertical cross-sections of relative humidity. The imagery was generated from Winter Park, CO to...- dataset Image
WRF 4KM Equivalent Potential Temperature Forecast Imagery (Cheyenne to Chadron)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer vertical cross-sections of Theta-E (Equivalent Potential Temperature). The imagery was generated...- dataset Image
NOAA/NCEP WRF NMM Model Forecast Imagery
This data set contains the several forecast image products from the NOAA/NCEP WRF NMM model over the continental US. The products include 300mb heights/wind, 500mb...- dataset Image
WRF 1KM Skew-T Forecast Imagery
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) 1 kilometer Skew-T forecast plots available for various locations across the United States. The imagery was...- dataset Image
Cayenne WRF Model Data
This dataset contains WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model data from the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content (HAIC-HIWC) project that took place in...- dataset Archive
RSMAS CWRF 4km nest with ECMWF Initial Condition Forecast Imagery
This data set contains RSMAS CWRF model (using ECMWF initial boundary conditions) forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean with the 4km nest around the tropical cyclone....- dataset Image
WRF 1KM Relative Humidity Forecast Imagery (Craig to Denver)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 1 kilometer vertical cross-sections of relative humidity. The imagery was generated from Craig, CO to Denver,...- dataset Image
WRF 4KM Relative Humidity Forecast Imagery (Jackson to Douglas)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer vertical cross-sections of relative humidity. The imagery was generated from Jackson, WY to...- dataset Image
WRF 4KM Vertical Velocity Forecast Imagery
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) 4 kilometer vertical velocity forecast imagery generated during the ICE-L project. The data is available at the...- dataset Image
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Data
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model data from the High Ice Water Content (HIWC) Radar Study project that took place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida....- dataset NetCDF
WRF 1KM Vertical Velocity Forecast Imagery (Craig to Greeley)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 1 kilometer cross-sections of vertical velocity. The imagery was generated from Craig, CO to Greeley, CO to...- dataset Image
WRF 1KM Mixing Ratio Forecast Imagery
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) 1 kilometer mixing ratio forecast imagery generated in 5 Colorado cities and 3 Wyoming cities during the ICE-L...- dataset Image
University of Arizona WRF Model Forecast Imagery [NCAR/EOL]
This data set contains daily forecast imagery from the Univesity of Arizona WRF model from the CuPIDO Field Catalog.- dataset Image
WRF NMM 4KM Forecast Imagery
This dataset includes WRF NMM 4KM Forecast Imagery from the VORTEX2 field catalog. The files are png images. See the catalog link in the related links section below to access...- dataset Image