This dataset contains data from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory/Global Systems Division (ESRL/GSD) Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS). The data are...- dataset Archive
NCEP Re-analysis 6-Hourly Data 2001-2004 for SBI Domain (Matlab) [NCEP]
This data set contains National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) re-analysis 6-hourly data 2001-2004 for the SBI domain in Matlab format.- dataset Matlab
Ice Camp Position/Velocity(FINAL) (ASCII) [Moritz, R.]
This dataset contains both "raw" and interpolated ship position and velocity measurements from the Des Groseillers during the SHEBA project. The logbooks of the Des...- dataset ASCII
Satellite SAR floe size (GIF) [Holt, B.]
This dataset contains data floe size distributions obtained from spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. Floe sizes were derived using an algorithm referenced in 1)...- dataset Image
Buoy, IOEB Air, Ice and Biogeochemical Data [Krishfield, R.]
As part of the SHEBA buoy array, a Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC) Ice-Ocean Environmental Buoy (IOEB) was deployed on September 30, 1997 from the Des...- dataset Archive
GTS Surface Ship Observations
The ACE-ASIA Surface: GTS Surface Ship Observations are online data. Data is in GEMPAK format.- dataset GEMPAK
Ice Camp (PRELIMINARY) Snow Depth (ASCII) (CRREL) [Perovich]
This data set contains PRELIMINARY snow depth data from CRREL main line Baltimore-Seattle and Baltimore line. Main line is 500 m long and observations are made every 5 meters on...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-02 NCAR EOL Service Group Cruise CD [NCAR EOL Service Group]
This CD ROM was created 22 June 2004 at the end of the SBI Spring Cruise aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy. It is a subset of the NCAR EOL HLY-04-02 field catalog...- dataset Archive
Helicopter Infrared Photometry [Grenfell, T.]
This is data for helicopter infrared photometry regarding aerial observations. A crucial element of SHEBA is to extend process-oriented observations and models to larger-scales....- dataset Archive ASCII
Wavelength-integrated Albedos [Perovich, D., T. Grenfell, B. Light, J. Richte...
As part of ice-albedo feedback studies during SHEBA, we measured spectral and wavelength-integrated albedos. Measurements were made at least weekly every 2.5 m along a 200-m...- dataset Archive ASCII
Sea Ice Analysis Chukchi Sea (GIF) [National Ice Center]
This data set contains Sea Ice analysis for the Chukchi Sea west of Alaska. Data are provided by the National Ice Center based on satellite and surface reports. Maps are...- dataset Image
HLY-02-01,03 Be-7 and Surface Sediment Chlorophyll Data (Excel) [Cooper, L., ...
This dataset contains measurements of short-lived gamma emitter, beryllium-7 obtained from surface sediment samples collected at depths ranging from 50-300m, as well as melted...- dataset Excel
Ice Camp Deep Sonar Data [Pinkel, R.]
This dataset contains deep sonar data collected during the SHEBA Project. Each file contains 3 hour averages of ice / water relative velocity. The data were taken using 2 sonar...- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp (PRELIMINARY) Ice Thickness (ASCII) (CRREL) [Perovich]
This data set contains PRELIMINARY ice thickness data from CRREL ice thicknes gages at Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Seattle sites. Measurements are made from multiple gages at each...- dataset ASCII
Ice Camp Sea Ice Biology (ASCII) [Melnikov, I.]
These data contain year round observations of the sea ice structure that were organized in the region of the SHEBA ice camp drift. Changes in the physical, chemical and...- dataset ASCII
SWL15 Marine Mammal Watch
Marine mammal observations were recorded along-track from the northern Bering Sea (175.21 W, 62.01 N) northward to Barrow Canyon at the boundary of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas...- dataset Excel
Global GTS Ship and Buoy Observations in GEMPAK format
The GTS Ship and Buoy Observations Data set is one of several data sets collected by the University Corporation of Atmospheric Research/Joint Office for Science Support. These...- dataset GEMPAK
Model Ice Deformation and Ice Thickness Distribution [Lindsay, R.]
This data set consists of daily estimates of the ice velocity, deformation, mean thickness, the thickness distribution, thermal forcings, and the energy balance of the ice near...- dataset PDF ASCII
Ice Concentration - Circumarctic [NIC]
This dataset consists of daily Naval Ice Center (NIC) Hybrid Total Ice Concentration plots of the Arctic Ocean. Images are in .png format.- dataset Image
SWL11 Marine Mammal Watch
This dataset contains marine upper trophic data from DBO regions 1-5 during the Sir Wilfrid Laurier 2011 cruise. The data consist of marine mammal watch, sea ice cover, sea...- dataset Excel