Streamflow Drought Indicators for the Conterminous United States
Streamflow drought refers to a significant decrease in surface water availability and has spatial and temporal characteristics that can occur in every watershed region. Here, we...- publication PDF
The Sun4Cast® Solar Power Forecasting System: The Result of the Public-Privat...
The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) led a partnership to advance the state-of-the-science of solar power forecasting by designing, developing, building,...- publication PDF
CCM Progress Report - June 1993
This report consists of: Brief reports required of all CCM users, both inside and outside of NCAR -- CCM Progress report on CCM2 along with details of the reports which document...- publication PDF
Community Demographic Model International Migration (CDM-IM) Dataset : Genera...
The demographic features of a growing number of international migrants increasingly impacts socioeconomic development in various countries of the world. However, information on...- publication PDF
Preliminary Evaluation Studies With the Regional Acid Deposition Model (RADM)
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
TCMT Evaluation for the HFIP Reconnaissance Data Impact Tiger Team (RDITT)
In January 2013, the Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program (HFIP) established the Reconnaissance Data Impact Tiger Team (RDITT) to conduct a systematic investigation of the...- publication PDF
Workshop Review: Management of Data Collected in GRAMP (Gulf Region Atmospher...
In response to the demolition and subsequent burning of the Kuwait oil fires this report summarizes a workshop that was held July 24-26, 1991 at the National Center for...- publication PDF
The Improved Urbanization Projections of the NCAR Community Demographic Model...
The urbanization projections, as one important components of the NCAR Community Demographic Model, has been developed to meet the requirement of climate change research...- publication PDF
An update of Indonesian household-level income and consumption patterns as an...
The integrated Population-Economy-Technology-Science (iPETS) model is a global integrated assessment model developed and used by NCAR's Integrated Assessment Modeling (IAM)...- publication PDF
Harry Van Loon Symposium, Studies in Climate II
This symposium was held to celebrate Harry van Loon's contribution to Climate Studies. Harry van Loon has been a scientist at NCAR since 1963. Since that time he has published...- publication PDF
Refactoring Data-Driven Model Selection Code for Improvements in Interpretabi...
Buchholz et al. used observations of total column carbon monoxide (CO) from the Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) satellite instrument to build a record of...- publication PDF
Quantifying the Spatial Structure of Tropical Cyclone Imagery
Tropical cyclones are highly organized, rotating storms which rank among the most costly natural disasters in the United States. The processes which drive intensification and...- publication PDF
Regional Acid Deposition: Models and Physical Processes
This report reviews the physical and chemical phenomena that give rise to regional acidic precipitation and deposition, from the viewpoint that mathematical modeling of these...- publication PDF
Workshop Summary: Aircraft Mission Measurement Strategies for the NASA Subson...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has initiated a major program to assess the impact of tropospheric aircraft on the atmosphere. The Subsonic Assessment...- publication PDF
Characterizing drought risks and implications for water management under clim...
Drought risks arise from the intersection of climate hazards and social vulnerability. To characterize drought risks, we develop and demonstrate a new Combined Drought Risk...- publication PDF
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model: 2015 Scientific Docu...
This document describes the scientific aspects of the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) modeling system. This is based on 2015 HWRF v3.7a public release. This...- publication PDF
Wind Energy Resource Assessment : Information Production, Uses, and Value - S...
High-quality information about the wind resource at candidate wind farm sites is essential to continue to guide the rapid growth of wind energy in the United States and around...- publication PDF
Dispersion of Smoke Plumes From the Oil Fires of Kuwait
Measurements collected during the multiple passes of a research aircraft through the smoke plumes from the oil fires of Kuwait are used to determine the sizes and growth rates...- publication PDF
Technical Description of an Urban Parameterization for the Community Land Mod...
This technical note describes the physical parameterizations and numerical implementation of a Community Land Model Urban (CLMU) parameterization as coupled to version 4 of the...- publication PDF
Emergency managers on-line survey on extratropical and tropical cyclone forec...
We report on a web-based survey of emergency managers (EMs) that is part of a larger body of work with the goal of better understanding how certain NOAA weather forecast...- publication PDF