Preprocessing of Airborne Pyranometer Data
Eppley pyranometers are employed to measure the up- and downwelling short wavelength radiation fluxes in the atmosphere. The quality of the data used to investigate the...- publication PDF
Survey of NCAR User Needs for Visualization Tools
This report, from the Scientific Computing Division (SCD), highlights the latest visualization tools to the atmospheric and oceanographic research communities served by NCAR....- publication PDF
Optimizing Genetic Algorithm Parameters for Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Modeling
A main source of atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) variability in the Southern Hemisphere is large burn events, making CO a useful proxy for fires. Therefore, predictive CO...- publication PDF
Uncertainty Analysis of a Radome Flush Orifice Air Motion System for the Meas...
This analysis is intended to establish a detailed measurement uncertainty for the present radome air motion systems used at NCAR and to provide a working document that may be...- publication PDF
The System Plot Package
A System Plot Package is defined to be that group of routines used to form primitive plotter instructions. Only the most basic routines for scaling and plotting line segments,...- publication PDF
A large ensemble of spatially and annually averaged CESM CAM 100-year data
This repository contains data from an ensemble of 100-year runs on the Cheyenne computer at NCAR. The purpose of this data set is to allow an investigation of how different...- dataset HDF ASCII
VAPOR Sample Data
VAPOR is the Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers. VAPOR provides an interactive 3D visualization environment that can also produce...- dataset Archive
Near-shore Topography Transects of Barrow area Lakes
Near-shore topography transects perpendicular to the lake shore were conducted using a Sokkia® C310 Automatic Level and survey rod. Survey transects logged location,...- dataset Archive
Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Brw Be Treatment Areas
Modeled treatment areas within the Barrow Biocomplexity study area. Data were derived using the Digital Elevation Model derived for the study area from airborne Light Detection...- dataset Archive
Landsat Derived Historical Lake Extents
Lake extent maps for the Alaska North Slope and Barrow peninsula were generated from selected Landsat satellite images between 1977 and 2008 available at the United States...- dataset Archive
Barrow Area Information Database (BAID) Geospatial Data Sets, Barrow, AK, USA
The Barrow Area Information Database (BAID) data collection is comprised of geospatial data for the research hubs of Barrow, Atqasuk and Ivotuk on Alaska's North Slope. Over...- dataset Excel HTML Archive Image
Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Brw Be Drainage
Modeled drainage points within the Barrow Biocomplexity study area. Data were derived using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived for the study area from airborne Light...- dataset Archive
Integrated observational dataset for model validation [Roode, S. and C. Breth...
This is an external link to a SHEBA dataset from the University of Washington's Atmospheric Sciences Department. A central goal of the SHEBA project was to provide a...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Brw Be Catchment
This dataset contains Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Brw Be Catchment data. Modeled catchment area and sub-catchments within the Barrow Biocomplexity study area. Data were derived...- dataset Archive
Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Brw Be Board Walk
This data set contains data from board walks constructed at the site of the Barrow Biocomplexity Experiment 2006. Data were derived using the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium...- dataset Archive
Alaskan Lake Database Mapped from Landsat Images
The lake map for the State of Alaska was generated from selected Landsat acquired during summer seasons of circa 2000. Nearly 400 30-m resolution Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus...- dataset Archive
Bowhead Whale Subsistence Sensitivity Mapping
This data set contains bowhead whale subsistence data and mapping, gathered from 01 January 2003 through 31 December 2003. These data are part of the Barrow Area Spatial Data...- dataset Archive
Landscape Age of the Arctic
This data set is of landscape age of the Arctic, in 1000 years since the land surface was available for vegetation colonization. It is in vector format. The age of most recent...- dataset Archive
Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Tramlines
This data set contains data from tramlines constructed at the Barrow Biocomplexity Experiment 2006. Data were derived using the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium Differential GPS...- dataset Archive
GIS Data from the Alaska North Slope
This data set includes ArcInfo-formatted maps of the Kuparuk River Basin Region of the Alaskan North Slope (at 1:250,000 scale) and five subset study areas: the Upper Kuparuk...- dataset Archive