TN249 Calanus glacialis/marshalle egg production rates
This data set contains the egg production rates measured for Calanus marshallae / glacialis. The two species were not differentiated as they are almost impossible to identify...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-08-02 Benthos Isotopes
This dataset contains data for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of benthic invertebrates from van Veen grab collections made during HLY0802. Individuals were sampled...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-08-02 and HLY-09-02 Microzooplankton Biomass and Composition
During the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (BEST-BSIERP) US Coast Guard Cutter Healy cruises in March-May 2008 (HLY0802) and...- dataset Excel
HLY09-02 Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Krill
Seasonal relationships between total length, wet and dry weight, and carbon content are examined for euphausiids sampled throughout the spring of 2009. These data were collected...- dataset Excel
TN249 Microzooplankton Biomass and Composition
Microzooplankton abundance, biomass and general community and size composition were determined in whole seawater samples after samples collected at sea were returned to the...- dataset Excel
HLY-08-01 and HLY-08-02 Epibenthos Survey of the Bering Sea
This dataset includes all summary data records including abiotic and biotic habitat descriptions, brittle and sea star abundance values, sediment topography values, and all...- dataset Excel OTHER
HLY-08-02 Microzooplankton stocks and grazing rates
The data on this spreadsheet were collected aboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the 2008 Long Spring sea ice Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem...- dataset Excel
HLY-09-02 Lipofuscin and Euphausiid Aging
Age determination in crustaceans relies on quantification of a fluorescent "age pigment," lipofuscin, that accumulates in eye stalks of krill over time. Lipofuscin...- dataset Excel
HLY-09-02 Microzooplankton spring 2009 bloom data
Microzooplankton biomass as ugC/liter, and general community composition, were determined for the primary production profiles, from 1 to 38 m depth, at five stations in which a...- dataset Excel ASCII
Nitrogen and carbon uptake rates (on-deck) and particulate carbon and nitroge...
This dataset includes data from the HLY0701, HLY0802, HLY0803, HLY0902, and KN195-10 cruises. The data are formatted as Excel and PDF documents. These are the results of...- dataset Excel PDF
Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q) Monthly Statistics
JMA is currently conducting the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q), which covers the period from September 1947 onward to extend the current period of...- dataset NetCDF
Near real-time monthly mean Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Centu...
JMA is currently conducting the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q), which covers the period from September 1947 onward to extend the current period of...- dataset GRIB
Near real-time monthly diurnal Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Ce...
JMA is currently conducting the Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q), which covers the period from September 1947 onward to extend the current period of...- dataset GRIB
Environmental data for Macrobenthic sampling stations in Prudhoe Bay, Beaufor...
These are environmental data associated with macrobenthic sampling supervised by Dr. Howard Feder in Prudhoe Bay in 1974. This dataset is part of the Pacific Marine Arctic...- dataset Excel ASCII
PacMARS Dominant Benthic infaunal parameters_dominant fauna (2000-2012)
This dataset contains the composite dominant macrofaunal taxon type by dry weight biomass (gC/m2) to class level at each station for the identified cruises in Table 1 for the...- dataset Excel
Chukchi Sea Offshore Monitoring in Drilling Area (COMIDA): Chemical and Benth...
The Chukchi Sea Offshore Monitoring in Drilling Area (COMIDA) Chemical and Benthos (CAB) is a comprehensive program funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation...- dataset Archive
HLY-05-02 Macrofauna Data [Bluhm]
This dataset contains soft bottom metazoan infauna (larger than 250 micrometer) that was collected with 33 box cores at 11 stations ranging from 817 m to 3961 m water depth in...- dataset Excel ASCII Archive
Environmental data for Macrobenthic sampling stations in the Chukchi Sea [Bla...
These data were collected in 1986 and 1987 under the supervision of Dr. Howard Feder. The data include sediment grain-size (%), sediment organic carbon (mg per g), bottom-water...- dataset Excel ASCII
ANIMIDA Biota Contaminants [Trefry]
This dataset contains marine bioaccumulation chemistry from the Beaufort Sea. Data are for concentrations of metals (Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se,...- dataset Excel ASCII
Phytoplankton Data Sets used in Compilation [Ashjian]
These data consist of a listing of all the data sets on chlorophyll concentration examined in Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis (PacMARS). Data include specifics on...- dataset Excel ASCII