Grawmet Radiosonde System Fish Spring Launch Site Data
This data set contains the University of Virginia's Grawmet Radiosonde System data from the Fish Spring launch site. Data was collected during intense observation periods...- dataset ASCII
This data set contains MGAUS Skew-T imagery from the CuPIDO Field Catalog.- dataset Image
NCAR/NSF C-130 Dropsonde Wind Plots
This dataset contains dropsonde Wind Plots from the NCAR/NSF C-130 aircraft for the Rain In Cumulus over the Ocean (RICO) project. The missions were completed between 7 Dec 2004...- dataset Image
WRF 4KM Vertical Velocity Forecast Imagery (Craig to Torrington)
This dataset contains Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) 4 kilometer cross-sections of vertical velocity. The imagery was generated from Craig, CO to Torrington, WY...- dataset Image
UND Radiosonde Data
This data set contains the vertical profiles of temperature, moisture, wind speed, and wind direction from the iMet-1-ABx radiosondes that were released by the University of...- dataset ASCII
Raoul Island (93997), NZ, SkewT Imagery
SkewT/logP plot of the Global Telecommunications System (GTS) upper air data collected during the ACE-1 Intensive Operations in Hobart, Tasmania, via the Australian Bureau of...- dataset Image
Hobart and William Smith Colleges Mobile Radiosonde Data
The Hobart and William Smith (HWS) Colleges operated a mobile radiosonde system during lake-effect systems on Lake Ontario. HWS operations were focused along the south shore of...- dataset ASCII
AVAPS Dropsonde Profiles
Quality controlled dropsonde profiles onboard the NSF NCAR C-130 were collected by the EOL Dropsonde team during the Cold Air Outbreak Experiment in the Sub-Arctic Region...- dataset NetCDF
Collections of notes, papers, summaries of activities about RDA's data
Collections of notes, papers, summaries of activities about the data archived on RDA.- dataset ASCII
The Thermospheric General Circulation Models (TGCM's)
The High Altitude Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research has developed a series of numeric simulation models of the Earth's upper atmosphere, including the...- model NetCDF
Rawinsonde Data Obtained During the Line Islands Experiment
A thorough description of the Line Island Experiments (LIE) and a comprehensive list of the kinds of data collected are presented here. This report presents a detailed...- publication PDF
Data Catalog for the 1970 Colorado Lee Wave Observational Program
The 1970 Colorado Lee Wave Observational Program provided the second period of intensive measurements of mountain-induced airflow over the central Rocky Mountains. The first...- publication PDF
Summer MONEX U.S. Research Flight Missions, May-July 1979
The contents of this document will provide scientific users and participants in the Summer Monsoon Experiment (SMONEX) with quick and concise information on the flight missions...- publication PDF
Vertical Profiles of HTO, HDO, and H2O in the Troposphere
This document presents vertical profiles of tritium, deuterium, and water vapor in the troposphere that was obtained by NCAR at various times from 1966 through 1973. These data...- publication PDF
The Ophir Radiometric Thermometer: Preliminary Evaluation
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Flux and Sounding Data From the NCAR King Air Aircraft During HAPEX
This technical note describes the operation of the NCAR King Air aircraft during HAPEX, the methods of processing the data, and presents a large portion of the data from the...- publication PDF
Thermodynamic Profiling Technologies Workshop report to the National Science ...
The Thermodynamic Profiling Technologies Workshop was convened on 12-14 April 2011 to assess the merits of ground-based remote sensing technologies applicable to highly resolved...- publication PDF
Winter MONEX: U.S. Research Flight Missions, December 1978
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Global Atmospheric Circulation Statistics, 1000-1 mb
This atlas presents atmospheric general circulation statistics derived from twelve years (1979-1990) of daily National Meteorological Center (NMC) operational geopotential...- publication PDF
Integrated observational dataset for model validation [Roode, S. and C. Breth...
This is an external link to a SHEBA dataset from the University of Washington's Atmospheric Sciences Department. A central goal of the SHEBA project was to provide a...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT