High Rate Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-Level Data [NC...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130 aircraft (Tail Number: N130AR) during the Coastally Trapped Waves...- dataset NetCDF
NSF/NCAR G-V Dropsonde High Resolution Data
The National Center for Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) operated a dropsonde system on-board the NSF/NCAR G-V aircraft during the Mesoscale...- dataset ASCII
Merged Data Files containing all C-130 1 Second Observations
This dataset consists of 1-second merged data from the 19 research flights with the C-130 over the Southeast U.S. between June 1 and July 15, 2013, as part of the Southeast...- dataset ASCII
Eta MOLTS Derived Soundings
The GCIP/ESOP-98 Eta MOLTS Derived Soundings data set contains NCEP Eta Model Location Time Series (MOLTS) derived soundings for locations within the ESOP-98 domain. These...- dataset ASCII
Twin Otter Doppler Wind Lidar (TODWL) Wind Profiles
TODWL Wind Profiles collected onboard the CIRPAS Twin Otter during the SWEX (Sundowner Wind EXperiment) campaign from 1 April to 11 May 2022, in ASCII format.- dataset Archive
National Weather Service High Resolution Radiosonde 2016 Hurricane Matthew Da...
The National Weather Service (NWS) routinely releases radiosondes at 00 and 12 UTC with occasional special releases at sites throughout the United States. This data set includes...- dataset ASCII
Mobile MGLASS Radiosonde Data
This data set contains rawinsonde profiles collected during the Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment (BAMEX 2003) from May 24th thru July 6th,2003 . Rawinsondes...- dataset ASCII
UK Met Office Tropical African Model Output over the Lake Victoria Region
This data set includes a subset of output from the UK Met Office Tropical African Model over the HIGHWAY region around Lake Victoria. The model is run twice daily at 06 and 18...- dataset Archive
NCAR/NSF C-130 High Rate (25 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysi...
This data set includes airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130Q Hercules aircraft (Tail Number N130AR) during the "Eastern...- dataset NetCDF
BALTEX: Lindenberg Specific Temperature Level Radiosonde Raw Data
This is the 6 hourly specific temperature level radiosonde data for the Baltex Lindenberg Site. This data contains pressure, geopotential height, air temperature, and relative...- dataset ASCII
Aircraft C-130 Flight Line Parameters
NCAR/Research Aviation Facility (RAF) C-130 flight line parameters from the 32 missions flown during ACE-1. These flight line parameters are a subset of the entire parameter...- dataset NetCDF
DOE ARM SGP 50 MHz Profiler Winds
The Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program operates a 50 MHz profiler site at the Central Facility of its Southern Great Plains site. The 50...- dataset NetCDF
STERAO-A sounding data
Radiosonde data collected during the first Stratospheric-Tropospheric Experiment: Radiation, Aerosols, and Ozone (STERAO). Files beginning in "i" are class...- dataset Archive
Multi-Network Composite Highest Resolution Radiosonde Data
High vertical resolution radiosonde data from research and operational sources during the Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX) campaign converted into a common format (EOL Sounding...- dataset ASCII
NRL P-3 Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics LRT (1sps) Data
This dataset contains airborne measurements obtained aboard the NRL P-3 during the THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign. This dataset contains the Low Rate (LRT, 1sps) Flight...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR ISS GAUS (MAPR Site) Rawinsonde Data
The Terrain Induced Rotor Experiment (T-REX) was conducted during March and April 2006, during which time 102 radiosondes were launched using a fix sounding system located near...- dataset ASCII
FASTEX soundings from the NOAA Gulfstream IV (G-IV) dropsondes
This dataset consists of dropsonde data from the NOAA Gulfstream IV (G-IV). Dropsondes were taken as requested. These data were processed through an interpolation that included...- dataset ASCII
NCEP Single Column SCM Time Height Model Forecast Products
This dataset contains Imagery Products generated by the NCEP Single Column SCM Time Height Forecast Model for the area and time of interest for the VOCALS project. The image...- dataset Image
NCAR S-PolKa radar moments data, Ka-band
Ka-band only cfRadial format, hourly files of S-PolKa radar data taken continuously during the DYNAMO (Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation) project.- dataset NetCDF
Upper Air - Leon High Resolution Soundings
This data set consists of CLASS soundings taken at Leon, Kansas for the CASES-99 program. The site was operated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research/Atmospheric...- dataset ASCII