Gelman's Monthly Northern and Southern Hemisphere Stratospheric Analyses, Oct...
72 by 19 hemispheric grids, 8 levels, temperature and height- dataset Binary
Global Level IIb Upper Air and Surface Observations for FGGE
DSS obtained this data, after errors were corrected in the original data.- dataset Binary ASCII
GFDL Global Analyses for FGGE, SOP 1 and 2, 1978Dec-1979Nov
This dataset contains global analyses of tropospheric geopotential height, temperature, winds, relative humidity, and vertical motion from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics...- dataset Binary
Weekly Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Analyses from Rocketsonde and Satell...
Satellite radiance information was used to produce a "first guess" of the geopotential height and temperature fields at the 5 mbar, 2 mbar, and 0.4 mbar stratospheric levels,...- dataset Binary
ERA-20C Project (ECMWF Atmospheric Reanalysis of the 20th Century)
ERA-20C is ECMWF's first atmospheric reanalysis of the 20th century, from 1900-2010. It assimilates observations of surface pressure and surface marine winds only. It is an...- dataset GRIB
Monthly Northern Hemisphere 5-Degree Tropospheric Analyses, continuing from A...
This dataset contains a time-series collection of monthly mean gridded Northern Hemisphere tropospheric data on a 5-degree latitude/longitude grid. This collection was assembled...- dataset Binary
ERA-40 Global Surface and Flux Data
The 6-hourly surface and flux data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
WCRP and WWRP THORPEX YOTC (Year of Tropical Convection) Project, Single Para...
The realistic representation of tropical convection in our global atmospheric models is a long-standing grand challenge for numerical weather forecasts and global climate...- dataset GRIB
Goddard's IIIb Analyses for FGGE, SOP 1 and 2, 1979
This dataset contains global IIIb tropospheric analyses from Goddard Space Flight Center for FGGE Special Observation Periods 1 and 2.- dataset Binary
Various Daily 2.5-degree Tropospheric Analysis Time Series in GRIB Format, 19...
This dataset contains various tropospheric analysis time series' created from the grids of other DSS datasets and converted to GRIB (for grids that were not already in this...- dataset GRIB
Canadian Climate Centre Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
The second generation General Circulation Model (GCMII) at the Canadian Climate Centre was used to run a CO2 experiment in which the current climate (1xCO2) was compared with a...- dataset ASCII
FSL MAPS Analysis Products, 40 km, 3-hourly
This dataset contains the FSL MAPS analyses on their native hybrid B vertical coordinate system.- dataset GRIB
JRA-55AMIP: Monthly Means and Variances Including Diurnal Statistics
As a subset of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55) project, an experiment using the global atmospheric model of the JRA-55 was conducted by the Meteorological Research...- dataset GRIB
ECMWF FGGE TD101 Global Reanalyses, SOP 1 and 2, 1979
ECMWF reanalyses of the FGGE Special Observation Periods (SOP: 10 January 1979 to 05 March 1979 and 05 May 1979 to 31 July 1979) based on FGGE IIIb, 1985 version. No plans to do...- dataset Binary
Australian Southern Hemisphere 500 Millibar Heights, June 1968 to August 1977
This dataset contains 500 millibar heights for the Southern Hemisphere for the period June 1968 to August 1977. The grid has a resolution of 10 degrees in the longitudinal...- dataset Binary
NMC Global Daily Stratospheric Analyses from ATOVS
These global stratospheric analyses are provided on a pair of 65 by 65 polar grids, daily at 12Z. They were operationally prepared by NMC using data from the Advanced TIROS...- dataset GRIB
National Meteorological Center 3-Hourly Eta Model Analyses
The products of NMC Eta model are archived in this dataset at spatial resolution of 40km with 38 vertical levels. This is the primary NMC mesoscale data archive over North...- dataset GRIB
NOAA/CIRES Twentieth Century Global Reanalysis Version 2c
The Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project, produced by the Earth System Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Division from NOAA and the University of Colorado Cooperative...- dataset GRIB
Daily 5-Degree Northern Hemisphere Time Series Tropospheric Analyses, continu...
The polar-stereographic grids in ds195.0 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds195.0/] were interpolated to create this dataset of 5-degree Northern Hemisphere latitude/longitude...- dataset Binary
ERA5 back extension 1950-1978 (Preliminary version)
PLEASE NOTE. It is advised to use ds633.0, ERA5 Reanalysis (0.25 Degree Latitude-Longitude Grid) [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds633-0/]. ECMWF has announced that the...- dataset GRIB NetCDF