Datasets used in "Large Eddy Simulation for Investigating Coupled Forest Cano...
Model archived fields used in the generation of the figures in: Clifton, O. E., E. G. Patton, S. Wang, M. Barth, J. Orlando, R. H. Schwantes (2022), Large Eddy Simulation for...- dataset PDF ASCII
CESM2 40-70N Biomass Emissions Homogenization Sensitivity Tests
This dataset, in comparison with CESM2 CMIP6 historical simulations, is used to quantify the climate response to homogenized biomass burning emissions.- dataset NetCDF
CESM2 single forcing large ensemble description paper
This dataset contains processed data from the CESM2 single forcing large ensemble as well as some CESM2 emissions files that are necessary for reproducing the figures in Simpson...- dataset Archive
Global horizontal irradiance from WRF-Solar and NSRDB over CONUS
This dataset has been used in the publication: Jimenez, P.A., J. Yang, J.-H. Kim, M. Sengupta, and J. Dudhia: Assessing the WRF-Solar model performance using satellite-derived...- dataset HDF
Data for the figures in paper 'Variations in thermosphere composition and ion...
This data set include the simulated percentage difference of O to N2 column density ratio between DOY 111 and 110 (Figure 3 of paper), and the absolute difference of neutral...- dataset HDF
CLM5.0 TRENDY Simulations used for the 2020 Global Carbon Budget
The data included consist of four simulations completed for Trends in land carbon cycle (TRENDY) simulations for the Global Carbon Project, which follow the land modeling...- dataset HDF
LIT Thermosphere Control of Ion Outflow Results
Results from two LIT coupled model runs containing the global outputs from the LFM magnetosphere, IPWM ionosphere, TIEGCM thermosphere-ionosphere simulation.- dataset HDF NetCDF
Middle East AOD550 Forecasts & Observations, 2018â2019
This dataset is used in a study (Lee et al. 2021) in which we compared total aerosol forecasts in the Middle East from three publicly available models, from NASA and NOAA in the...- dataset Archive
This dataset is for the data that is used to generate the figures in the submitted paper to the AGU Advances: A Numerical Study of the Hemispherically Asymmetric Evolution of...- dataset HDF
Data sets used in "Is there a tropical response to recent observed Southern O...
The dataset contains processed data for the GRL publication (to be submitted) "Is there a tropical response to recent observed Southern Ocean cooling?" The dataset includes...- dataset PDF Binary
Tropical Cyclones in Global Storm-Resolving Models
This dataset contains information about the tropical cyclones simulated by nine global storm-resolving models (global storm-resolving models are global models with a horizontal...- dataset HDF ASCII
This numerical simulation data set is prepared for manuscript submission to the the Monthly Weather Review journal of the American Meteorological Society (AMS). The National...- dataset HDF
Datasets used in "Does Organization in Turbulence Influence Ozone Removal by ...
Model archived fields used in the generation of the figures in: Clifton, O. E., and Patton, E. G. (2021), Does Organization in Turbulence Influence Ozone Removal by Deciduous...- dataset PDF ASCII
C-iTRACE is a coarse resolution (3Ë), ocean-only simulation run from the LGM (22ka) to present day using iPOP2, the isotope-enabled ocean component of the CESM1. This...- dataset NetCDF
CESM ensemble consistency test atmospheric data
Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) data from the 1.3 release series of CESM, using a present-day F compset (active atmosphere and land, data ocean, and prescribed ice...- dataset NetCDF
Turbulence in simulated Tropical Instability Wave
This dataset consists of fields output from a 1/20° regional simulation of the Tropical Pacific ocean. The data are hourly averaged and cover the time period of a single...- dataset HDF
AEW hindcast using the Model for Prediction Across Scales-Atmosphere (MPAS-A)...
The dataset includes post-processed model outputs from global simulations using the MPAS-A version 7.1. The model was initialized using both ECMWF Integrated Forecast System...- dataset HDF ASCII
CAM-chem simulation of the 2020 lockdown
With the reduction in economic activities following the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in early 2020, most emissions of air pollutants (i.e., nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide...- dataset NetCDF
WACCM-X simulated data for Wu et al.'s paper on âThe Formation Mechanism of...
This dataset contains all the data related to WACCM-X simulated result figure in paper âThe Formation Mechanism of Merged EIA during a Storm on November 4, 2021â. The data...- dataset NetCDF
Marine Ice Sheet Experiments CISM 2021
This work aims at investigating the numerical properties of the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM) using idealized marine ice sheet set up from the MISMIP3d and MISMIP+...- dataset ASCII Archive