R/V Ron Brown Ozone Column Data
This dataset contains the Ron Brown ozonesonde profile data.- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-03 Sedimentary Water Fluxes of O2, TCO2 and Dissolved Silica [Christen...
Sediment water fluxes of dissolved oxygen, nitrogen gas, total carbon dioxide (TCO2), and dissolved silicate were measured on incubated sediment cores collected on the northern...- dataset PDF
NCAR/EOL R/V Investigator ISS Raw Ceilometer Data and Plots (ASCII and binary)
This ceilometer data archive includes four tar files that contain: ascii text files, raw binary data files, and plots of density and gradient. These data were collected from the...- dataset Archive
HLY-04-02 Biomarkers (ASCII) [Benner, R.]
This data set contains dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and Nitrogen (DON) as well as dissolved amino acids from the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy HLY-04-02 cruise of the...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 Phytoplankton ID (ASCII) [Grebmeier, J.]
Phytoplankton with cell size larger than 2-3 microns were analyzed for taxonomic composition, size composition including colonies size, numbers and biomass and vertical...- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown Ozone, Radon, Sulfur Dioxide, and Aerosol Number Concentration ...
This dataset contains S02, Radon, and ozone measurements taken on board the Ron Brown Ship during the ACE-Asia project, March-April 2001. This data is in ASCII text format....- dataset ASCII
Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise NBP03-04a Raw ADCP Data [Swift, J. et al.]
This data set contains the shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) system measurements from the Nathaniel B. Palmer (NBP) data acquisitions systems on the 2003 SBI...- dataset Archive
ACE-1: Southern Surveyor ISS High Vertical Resolution Balloon Data
Data from the NCAR/Integrated Sounding System (ISS) upper air data collected aboard the Southern Surveyor during the ACE-1 transect and intensive operations, via the...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-01 Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics (ASCII) [Dunton, K.]
This dataset contains measurements of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in biological material collected from three levels in the ocean (POM, plankton, benthos) from the HLY-02-01...- dataset ASCII
BoM GASP Back Trajectories (R/V Discoverer Transitions)
This dataset contains back trajectories designed to aid in the analysis of the R/V Discoverer "transition periods" as defined by Tim Bates. Five periods have been...- dataset ASCII
B-3 Probe Data from P1-92-AR (Excel) [Darby, D.]
This data represents the mineral content for the Piston Core sample B-3 taken at P1-92-AR. This dataset is in Excel format. The data are also under "SBI: Mineral Content...- dataset Excel
Mexican Navy SEMAR R/V Altair Meteorological, Oceanographic, Ocean-Atmosphere...
This dataset contains computations of bulk meteorological variables and fluxes derived by the ESRL/PSD system based on preliminary analysis done during the NAME 2004 cruise 23.5...- dataset ASCII
R/V Ron Brown INDOEX Cruise Tracks
This dataset consists of the position data and position image files for the Ron Brown Acillary INDOEX Cruise Tracks.- dataset ASCII Image
R/V Mirai SADCP Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the water current profile data from the R/V Mirai SADCP (Shipborne Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) during its cruise in the Indian Ocean for DYNAMO....- dataset NetCDF
HLY-04-03 Mesozooplankton Abundance [Ashjian, C., and R. Campbell]
This data set contains mesozooplankton abundance from net tows conducted during the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy HLY-04-03 SBI process cruise. Each data set...- dataset Excel
ICOADS Input Data Sources
This dataset contains auxiliary, preliminary, and other datasets that are in preparation to be included in a future ICOADS release. Data are provided either in IMMA1 or native...- dataset Binary ASCII
TerrainBase, Global 5 Arc-minute Ocean Depth and Land Elevation from the US N...
Five arc-minute resolution global ocean depth and land surface elevation. Developed from multiple data sources and compiled at the US National Geophysical Data Center. Compared...- dataset ASCII
Monthly Nutrient Climatologies of the Oceanic Upper Layer
The phosphate, nitrate and silicate data used to produce the monthly climatologies were taken from the World Ocean Atlas 1998 produced by the Ocean Climate Laboratory at the...- dataset Binary ASCII
MARMET and other marine surface observations from Russia
As part of international data exchanges this large ship observations archive has been provide to NCAR as a source for inclusion into COADS.- dataset Binary
URI Gulf Stream Crest Anatomy Hydrographic Survey - Fall 1988
92 CTD oceanographic stations were collected to describe the crest of a Gulf Stream meander during 1988- dataset ASCII