VDM+: The Enhanced Vortex Message Dataset: Structure, Intensity, and Environm...
This document describes the Enhanced Vortex Data Message Dataset (VDM+), including the input data sources, the dimensioning structure and organization for the resulting three...- publication PDF
Data citations within NCAR/UCP
Federal agencies, professional societies, and research organizations in the geo-sciences are moving towards requiring researchers to formally cite data that led to a given...- publication PDF
The ARPA/NASA/NSF CO-OP 3D Project: An experiment in distributed supercomputi...
This technical report describes the distributed computing aspects of the CO-OP 3D project and involves the use of the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite to link...- publication PDF
User's Guide to NCAR CCM2
This User's Guide describes the overall design of the most recent version of the NCAR Community Climate Model, CCM2. In addition to in-depth information about running the CCM2...- publication PDF
Optimizing Genetic Algorithm Parameters for Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide Modeling
A main source of atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) variability in the Southern Hemisphere is large burn events, making CO a useful proxy for fires. Therefore, predictive CO...- publication PDF
Proceedings of the Atmospheric Research Aircraft Instrumentation Workshop and...
This is part one of a two part report that details the proceedings of the Atmospheric Research Aircraft Instrumentation Workshop and Symposium, held in Oklahoma City, 17 and 18...- publication PDF
Evaluation of NMC Global Analyses: 1979-1987
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Biosphere-atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) for the NCAR Community Climate Model
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
User's Guide to the MM5 Adjoint Modeling System
This report is a manual on the MM5 Adjoint Modeling System.- publication PDF
Uncertainty Analysis of a Radome Flush Orifice Air Motion System for the Meas...
This analysis is intended to establish a detailed measurement uncertainty for the present radome air motion systems used at NCAR and to provide a working document that may be...- publication PDF
The System Plot Package
A System Plot Package is defined to be that group of routines used to form primitive plotter instructions. Only the most basic routines for scaling and plotting line segments,...- publication PDF
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) Climate Downscaling Dataset
The East African Great Lake Environments (EAGLE) climate downscaling dataset was created to provide a high-resolution depiction of present and future climate scenarios in the...- publication PDF
WRF-Hydro Modeling System
The Weather Research and Forecasting Model Hydrological modeling system (WRF-Hydro) was developed as a community-based, open source, model coupling framework designed to link...- software OTHER
CLM5 Perturbed Parameter Ensembles
These data are the results of parameter sensitivity simulations and multiple perturbed parameter ensembles (PPE) with the Community Land Model, version 5 (CLM5). These...- dataset NetCDF
TEC data
This is TEC data used for the paper: Variations in thermosphere composition and ionosphere total electron content under 'geomagnetically quiet' conditions at solar-minimum....- dataset HDF
Project Pythia: Output from WRF V3.6 model
Project Pythia is a community resource for learning how to analyze geosciences data using the Scientific Python Ecosystem. This data set is used primarily on the WRF-Python...- dataset HDF
Aquaplanet simulations using CAM5.4-MPAS4 with two different deep convection ...
This dataset includes model output from aquaplanet simulations using the Communitiy Atmosphere Model (CAM) version 5.4 with the nonhydrostatic Model for Prediction Across Scales...- dataset NetCDF
A Statistical Analysis of Lossily Compressed CESM-LENS Data
The data storage burden resulting from CESM simulations continues to grow, and lossy data compression methods can alleviate this burden, provided that key climate variables are...- dataset HDF ASCII
CESM2 COVID and 2019/20 Australian Wildfire Simulations
These simulations comprise three ensembles spanning 2019-2024. The ensembles include 50 members forced with 1) SSP245 climate forcings, 2) SSP245 combined with estimated...- dataset HDF
A large ensemble of spatially and annually averaged CESM CAM 100-year data
This repository contains data from an ensemble of 100-year runs on the Cheyenne computer at NCAR. The purpose of this data set is to allow an investigation of how different...- dataset HDF ASCII