Flexible foliar stoichiometry with CTSM5.1
This data explores the importance of flexible foliar stoichiometry in mediating terrestrial carbon cycle and hydrologic responses to climate change using CTSM5.1. We find a...- dataset NetCDF
ECMWF ERA interim derived atmospheric mass, moisture and energy budget products
As observations and atmospheric reanalyses have improved, the diagnostics that can be computed with confidence also increase. Accordingly, a new formulation of the energetics of...- dataset NetCDF
2020 CAM-chem Simulations
This dataset provides global model simulations made with the Community Atmosphere Model with chemistry (CAM-chem) for the year 2020 with and without lockdowns induced emissions...- dataset NetCDF
Model dataset for Morrison et al. (2020) "Comparing growth rates of moist and...
This model generated dataset includes simulation data and model files for work described in the paper "Comparing growth rates of moist and dry convective thermals" by Morrison...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
CESM/CAM-chem Data for Evaluation of MOZART-TS2
An updated isoprene and terpene chemical mechanism (MOZART-TS2) for CESM/CAM-chem (Community Earth System Model/Community Atmosphere Model with chemistry) was created and...- dataset NetCDF
Machine learning-based detection of weather fronts and associated extreme pre...
These data are the results of high resolution simulations with the Community Earth System Model, version 1.3 (CESM1.3). These simulations form the basis of a publication...- dataset HDF NetCDF
Planetary-boundary and urban-canopy layer modeling study of the landfall of H...
This data repository contains the model simulation and observational data used in the manuscript: Hendricks, E. A., J. C. Knievel, and D. S. Nolan, 2021: Evaluation of...- dataset HDF ASCII
THESIS Tools Datasets: Land Use Tool - CLM5
NCAR is coordinating the development of the Toolbox for Human-Earth System Integration and Scaling (THESIS) to facilitate linkages between the Community Earth System Model...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
KORUS-AQ posterior anthropogenic emissions
Top-down emissions of CO from anthropogenic sources resulting from the assimilation of multispectral CO retrieval profiles (V8J) from the Measurements of Pollution in the...- dataset HDF
Global MIMICS-CN from biogeochemical testbed
These data document ecosystem biogeochemical responses from carbon-nitrogen and carbon-only versions of the Microbial-MIneral Carbon Stabilization Model (MIMICS) and...- dataset Archive
THESIS Tools Datasets: Land Use Tool - CTSM52
NCAR is coordinating the development of the Toolbox for Human-Earth System Integration and Scaling (THESIS) to facilitate linkages between the Community Earth System Model...- dataset HDF ASCII NetCDF
THESIS Tools Datasets: Urban Properties Tool
NCAR is coordinating the development of the Toolbox for Human-Earth System Integration and Scaling (THESIS) to facilitate linkages between the Community Earth System Model...- dataset HDF NetCDF
Buoyancy in Deep Convection Simulations
The dataset contains some of the data from numerical simulations investigating deep convection dynamics, the impact of in-cloud supersaturations on convective updraft strength...- dataset ASCII Binary
Data for IMF By paper
This dataset is the data that used to generate the figures of the JGR-space physic paper that is going to be submitted: The effects of IMF By on the middle thermosphere during a...- dataset HDF
WACCM-X Simulation Data during November 03-04, 2021
This dataset includes the ionosphere F2 region (Nmax), vertical plasma drifts (WI), zonal winds (U) and meridional winds (V), zonal electric fields (total, PPEF, NWD) on...- dataset NetCDF
Archived Data for "Simulating Observations of Southern Ocean Clouds and Impli...
This is an archive of CAM6 simulation output used in the paper Archived Data for Simulating Observations of Southern Ocean Clouds and Implications for Climate...- dataset NetCDF
ROMS simulations of river-sourced coastal ocean tracer pathways following Hur...
Three-hourly model output from a 800-m horizontal resolution 50-vertical layer Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) simulation of the coastal region near Cape Fear, North...- dataset ASCII Archive NetCDF
IEPOX-SOA and related chemical/meteorological fields simulated by CESM2/CAM-c...
This dataset contains IEPOX-SOA (Isoprene epoxydiol derived secondary organic aerosol) concentrations and other related variables under present and future conditions....- dataset HDF
Global volcanic aerosol properties derived from emissions using CESM(WACCM)
Climatology of global aerosol properties calculated based on new volcanic emissions database combined with other non-volcanic emissions of sulfur sources.- dataset NetCDF
Dataset associated with manuscript "Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via pre...
The dataset is associated with the manuscript "Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via prescribed field-aligned current simulated by the TIEGCM". It is based on simulations using...- dataset NetCDF