1,704 resources found

Keywords: atmospheric temperature Resource Formats: ASCII

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  • Shell Oil Platform Meteorological Data

    This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological and oceanographic data from the Shell Oil (http://www.shell.com) Platform weather stations. These data were...
  • Sorel, QC Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520 Data

    This dataset contains the raw data from the Vaisala WXT520 weather sensor sited at Sorel-Tracy, QC for the Winter Precipitation Type Research Mult-Scale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX)....

    This data set contains a single tar file of data from seven Army Corp PAM stations. The quality of the CMF files here are severly limited by problems associated with in-field...
  • Beaumont 5-mb CLASS Radiosonde Profiles

    CLASS radiosonde profiles taken at Beaumont, Kansas for the CASES-97 program. The site was operated by NCAR/Earth Observing Laboratory (formerly Atmospheric Technology...
  • Carrizal Venezuela Hourly Surface Meteorological Data

    This data set contains hourly surface meteorological (pressure, temperature and moisture) data from the Carrizal, Venezuela recording hydrothermograph and barograph during the...
  • Illinois Climate Network Data

    This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological data from the Illinois Climate Network (ICN) stations located across the state of Illinois. This data set covers...
  • LBA: Manaus Automated Weather Station Raw Data

    This is the 30 minute automated weather station data for the LBA Manaus Site.
  • GIDS-1 Hourly Surface Composite

    The GIDS-1 Hourly Surface Composite contains surface and sea level pressure, temperature, dew point temperature, wind speed and direction, and precipitation observations from...
  • Radiometer Data at Bennett Mountain Site

    This dataset contains the Radiometrics MP-Series microwave profiling radiometer data from the Bennett Mountain Site during the SNOWIE (Seeded and Natural Orographic Wintertime...
  • Vandenberg AFB Radiosonde Data

    The United States Air Force (USAF) routinely releases radiosondes once per day at 12 UTC from its site at Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) in Southern California (WMO ID 72393)....
  • Automated Weather Station Data for Greenland Ice Core Locations

    This dataset contains automated weather station data (temperature, pressure, relative humidity, and wind direction and speed) collected on and near the Greenland Ice Sheet...
  • BALTEX: Lindenberg RASS Raw Data

    This is the 30 minute RASS data for the Baltex Lindenberg Site. This data contains time, vertical resolution, height, average time interval, and virtual temperature.
  • FASTEX soundings from Camborne (United Kingdom)

    This dataset consists of sounding data from Camborne in the United Kingdom (WMO 03808) which was operated by the UK Meteorological Office. Soundings were taken four times per...
  • Howard University High Resolution Soundings - Cape Verde

    This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Pre-Depression Investigation of Cloud-systems in the Tropics (PREDICT) project. This data set includes 20 high vertical...
  • Mobile MGLASS Radiosonde Data

    This data set contains rawinsonde profiles collected during the Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment (BAMEX 2003) from May 24th thru July 6th,2003 . Rawinsondes...
  • Surface Atmospheric Measurement Systems (SAMS) Data

    This dataset contains Surface Atmospheric Measurement Systems (SAMS) data for the Instabilities, Dynamics and Energetics accompanying Atmospheric Layering (IDEAL) project. These...
  • Iowa AWOS Network Data

    The Iowa DOT collected 1 min resolution data for the Iowa AWOS stations. Data has undergone QC. The data consists oftemperature, dewpoint, altimeter, barometric pressure, wind...
  • BALTEX: Lindenberg Rawinsonde Data Set

    This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Baltic Sea Experitment (BALTEX) Lindenberg high resolution radiosonde overservations....
  • ULM Mobile Radiosonde Data

    Data from the University of Louisiana Monroe (ULM) mobile radiosondes that were deployed at locations around the southeastern United States for four PERiLS 2022 deployments. The...
  • NSSL Mobile Mesonet Meteorological Data

    Surface meteorological data from the NOAA/NSSL Mobile Mesonet vehicles that were deployed at locations around the southeastern United States for four PERiLS 2022 deployments....