FP2 NPS Sodar Data
This data set contains five minute resolution wind profile data obtained by the Naval Postgraduate School ASC Model 4000 MiniSODAR located at the PECAN Fixed PISA 2 site in...- dataset NetCDF
ARM Energy Balance and Bowen Ratio (EBBR) Data
This data set contains 30 minute resolution latent heat flux, sensible heat flux, and ground heat flux data from the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR/ATD Eldorado 915MHz Wind Profiler Winds
This dataset contains 915 MHz wind profiler data collected by the NCAR/ATD Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located near Eldorado, KS during the Cooperative Atmospheric Surface...- dataset Archive
ARM Surface Meteorological Imagery (SMOS)
This dataset contains Mesonet ARM Surface Meteorological Imagery from the Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex (BAMEX) Project.- dataset Image
Paposo Chile Lower Site AWS Meteorological Data
This dataset includes AWS Meteorological data collected from the lower Paposo site in Chile. There is a single data file in ascii format.- dataset ASCII
FASTEX soundings from ASAP ship Fort Fleur D'Eppe
This dataset consists of sounding data from the French ASAP ship the Fort Fleur D'Eppe. Soundings were taken two times per day (00 and 12 UTC) while the ship was within the...- dataset ASCII
Michigan Automated Weather Network (MAWN) Data
This data set contains 1-hour resolution surface meteorological data from the Michigan Automated Weather Network (MAWN) stations located across Michigan. This data set covers...- dataset ASCII
NOAA P-3 Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Data - Standard Tape F...
The BAMEX Aircraft: NOAA P-3 Navigation, State and Microphysics dataset in NOAA/AOC Standard Tape format is one of several datasets archived by the National Center for...- dataset Excel Binary PDF
NCAR SLW Radiosonde Data
The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) released radiosondes with an attached Anasphere SLW (Supercooled Liquid Water) sonde from its Horseshoe Bend, Idaho site as...- dataset ASCII
MTSAT Cloud Drift Winds Imagery
This data set contains MTSAT (GMS-6) cloud drift wind imagery developed by CIMSS for the T-PARC region and time period. Included are 200mb streamline, mid-upper level (100-500...- dataset Image
WY King Air Low Rate Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Data
This dataset contains 1 Hz Data measured on the Wyoming King Air during the T-REX project. The files are netCDF files which follow NCAR RAF/NIMBUS conventions and have been...- dataset NetCDF
NOAA/ATDD Walker Branch Watershed Flux Tower Data Set
This data set contains data from the Walker Branch watershed flux tower operated by NOAA/ATDD near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Observations are available every 30-min of a wide...- dataset ASCII
University of Wyoming North Redfield Hotplate Raw Data
This dataset contains the University of Wyoming Hotplate raw data collected at the North Redfield site from 26 November 2013 through 29 January 2014 during the Ontario Winter...- dataset ASCII
ASOS 5-Minute Data
This data set contains the 5-minute resolution surface meteorological observations from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) network of ~860 stations in the United...- dataset Archive
MTSAT Cloud Drift Winds Imagery [CIMSS]
This data set contains 3 hourly MTSAT mid-upper level cloud drift winds plotted over the water vapor imagery and lower-mid level cloud drift winds plotted over the infrared...- dataset Image
NCAR-RAL Surface Hydrometeorological Observation Network Data
This data set contains the 15 minute resolution surface meteorology and soils data from the 15 NCAR/RAL weather stations that were operated around central Argentina during the...- dataset NetCDF
GTS Surface Synoptic Observations
The GTS Three-Hourly Synoptic Observation Data is one of several surface data sets collected by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Joint Office for Science...- dataset GEMPAK
NCAR/EOL ISS and UWI SPARC Radiosonde Data
172 Vaisala MW41/RS41 radiosonde profiles collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) and University of Wisconsin SPARC during the Chequamegon Heterogeneous...- dataset NetCDF
French Falcon Aircraft State Parameters
This dataset contains aircraft state parameter data from the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content (HAIC-HIWC) project that took place in Cayenne, French Guiana....- dataset ASCII
MIPS Surface Meteorological Data
This data set contains surface meteorological data collected coincident with the MIPS profiling system during the PLOWS field seasons. Two different instrumentation setups were...- dataset ASCII