HLY-02-03 224Ra and 228Th Data (ASCII) [Kadko, D.]
This data set contains measurements of the water column activities of the naturally occurring isotopes 224 RA and 228 Th. Because 224RA (T1/2=3.64d) is derived through input...- dataset ASCII
NOAA R/V Ron Brown Lidar Data
This NOAA R/V Ron Brown Lidar dataset consists of two netCDF files which contain lidar data collected from the Research Vessel Ron Brown during the VOCALS 2008 project. The...- dataset NetCDF
Ice Stress [Richter-Menge J., B. Elder, K. Claffey]
A governing factor in the exchange of energy between the atmosphere, sea ice cover, and ocean is the thickness distribution of the ice cover. A complex series of dynamic and...- dataset Archive ASCII
HLY-03-01 ADCP Data (10-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
The United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 Ship Underway Data - Atmospheric Pressure (Plot) [NCAR/EOL]
This data set consists of Atmospheric Pressure plots from the SBI U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Summer 2002 Cruise (HLY-02-03). Files are in .png format.- dataset Image
Alpha Helix 2004 Bering Strait Cruise Underway Data [Aagaard, K., R. Woodgate...
This data set contains unedited underway data from the Alpha Helix Cruise, mooring recovery and redeployment cruise during August and September 2004. These data have not been...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 Bacterial Abundance and Production (ASCII) [Kirchman, D.]
This data set contains data on bacterial abundance and production using samples obtained from morning Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) casts during the HLY-02-03 Cruise of...- dataset ASCII
C3O - Sir Wilfrid Laurier CTD Data 2013 for DBO3
This dataset contains oceanographic CTD profiles collected with an SBE profiling CTD. The data were collected aboard the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier along the line DBO 3 (South...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-03 Bacterial Abundance and Production (Excel) [Kirchman, D.]
This data set contains data on bacterial abundance and production using samples obtained from morning Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) casts during the HLY-04-03 Cruise of...- dataset Excel
HLY-02-01 Satellite, AVHRR 1KM Channel 5 Imagery [NCAR/EOL]
This dataset consists of NOAA-12,14,15, and 16 AVHRR Channel 5 imagery. Observations are from the area and time of interest of the SBI U.S Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy...- dataset Image
R/V Discoverer Nonmethane Hydrocarbon Data - Equilibrator Measurements [Versi...
This dataset consists of the Nonmethane Hydrocarbon Dataset Measured from headspace of the equilibrator on the R/V Discoverer by R. Prinn during ACE-1. (Version 4.0)- dataset ASCII
USCGC Healy Cruise HLY-02-03 NCAR EOL Service Data [NCAR EOL Service group]
This CD ROM was created 23 August 2002 at the end of the SBI Summer Cruise aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy. It contains data in the state they were in as of the...- dataset Archive
R/V Ron Brown Cruise Tracks - Leg 1 and Leg 2
This dataset contains 2 JPEG images of the paths taken by the NOAA R/V Ron Brown. During both Legs 1 and 2 of R/V Ron Brown's participation in Eastern Pacific Investigation...- dataset Image
Canada's Three Oceans (C3O) - DBO 2010
This dataset contains water nutrients, sediment, and infaunal biological data from the CCGS Sir Wilfred Laurier cruise between 07/06/2010 and 07/22/2010, as part of the...- dataset Excel
R/V Ron Brown LIDAR Aerosol Backscatter Profiles
This dataset consists of backscatter profile data including height of uppermost aerosol layer, top of marine boundary layer, aerosol optical depths, backscatter profiles,...- dataset ASCII
CAPRICORN R/V Investigator Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber Measurements
Ice Nucleating Particle (INP) number concentration data as measured by the Colorado State University Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber (CFDC) that was onboard the CSIRO R/V...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 226Ra and 228Ra Data (ASCII) [Kadko, D.]
This data set contains measurements of the water column activities of the naturally occuring isotopes 226 Ra and 228 Ra. Because 228 Ra (T1/2= 5.77y) is derived through input...- dataset ASCII
R/V Discoverer Aerosol Size Distributions Data (Leg 2 - dmps)
This dataset consists of Aerosol Size Distributions Data collected aboard the R/V Discoverer by P. Quinn (NOAA/PMEL) during ACE-1. The data are compiled in 30 minute averages...- dataset ASCII
SBI HLY-04-02 Zooplankton [Smith, S.](Excel format)
Zooplankton samples were collected from the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy between 24 May and 21 June 2004 (cruise designation HLY0402). Sampling focused on the...- dataset Excel
GTS Hourly Marine Observation Data (GEMPAK)
The GTS Hourly Marine Observation Data is one of several surface data sets collected by the National Center For Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) as...- dataset GEMPAK