International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) Release 3, Mon...
The International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) is a global ocean marine meteorological and surface ocean dataset. It is formed by merging many national and...- dataset Binary
Shea's Climatology Atlas, 1950-1979 (from DSS sets)
A monthly climatology of sea-level pressure, sea-surface temperature, surface temperature, and precipitation on a 2.5-degree global grid for the 30-year period from 1950 to 1979.- dataset ASCII
ERA5.1: Corrections to ERA5 Stratospheric Temperature 2000-2006
In ECMWF Technical Memo 859 released in January 2020, Simmons and his coauthors report that "the ERA5 analyses of lower stratospheric temperature exhibit a pronounced cold bias...- dataset GRIB NetCDF
Global (60N-60S) Monthly Temperature Anomaly and Heat Storage, by White
Grids of temperature from XBT's taken during 1950-1993 were used to construct grids on 11 levels from 0 to 400 meters.- dataset ASCII
Antarctic Monthly Sea-Ice Area Analyses
Monthly sea-ice area data is available for each 10 degrees of longitude for Antarctica starting January 1973. These data are based on weekly charts prepared by the Navy-NOAA...- dataset ASCII
FSU COAPS Research Vessel Data
The Center for Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction Studies (COAPS [http://coaps.fsu.edu/]) through their Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center (RVSMDC []) collect, quality...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
ERA-40 1.5 degree Wave Model Forecasts
This contains global 1.5 degree wave model forecast data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project.- dataset GRIB
Surface Water and Atmospheric CO2 and N2O Observations, from CDIAC
Results from water analysis using shipboard automated gas chromatography. CDIAC dataset NDP044, Weiss, et. al.- dataset ASCII
Subsurface Temperature And Salinity Analyses
Monthly objectively analyzed subsurface temperature and Salinity at 24 levels in the upper 1500 meters started from 1945 and prepared by M. Ishii et al. The analysis is based on...- dataset GRIB
NCEP ODAS Tropical Pacific Ocean Monthly Analyses
Monthly average fields derived from weekly analysis using the NCEP Ocean-Data Assimilation System (ODAS).- dataset Binary
VOSCLIM Met Office GTS data
The GTS data stream from the VOSCLIM project ships. The BUFR formatted records are received from the UK Met Office. These data are primarily for the development of the ICOADS...- dataset Binary
QSCAT (Ku-2001) Ocean Winds Derived by Locally Weighted Regression Interpolat...
This revision is Version 1e for QSCAT Ku-2001 ocean surface winds derived using a locally weighted regression interpolation method. The region of influence (ROI) varies...- dataset NetCDF
United Kingdom Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
This dataset contains model outputs from climate models that were run by the United Kingdom Met Office in 1986, 1990, and 1992. The 1986 low-resolution equilibrium runs include...- dataset Binary
NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, July 1976 to April 1997
The Final (FNL) global tropospheric analyses archived here were produced by NCEP's Global Forecast System (GFS), which was run operationally at 12-hour intervals to make...- dataset GRIB Binary
ECMWF FGGE T63 Tropospheric, Surface and Tendency Analyses, daily 1979
ECMWF tropospheric surface and tendency analyses on a global grid with T63 resolution.- dataset Binary
Monthly and Climatological Tropical Pacific Wind Stress
Five million international ship observations of the Pacific trade winds are presented in monthly summaries. For each month in the period from 1947 to 1973, a 10-degree latitude...- dataset ASCII
GFDL COADS Global Sea Surface Temperature Analyses, by Oort and Yi
Based on 2 degree COADS and monthly SST climatology for 1950-1979.- dataset ASCII
ERA-Interim Project, Monthly Means
ERA-Interim represents a major undertaking by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) to produce a reanalysis with an improved atmospheric model and...- dataset GRIB
NODC Processed CTD and STD Data
The National Oceanographic Data Center processed data from sensors and oceanographic stations into a standard ocean data format known as the C022 Low-resolution data format.- dataset ASCII
ECMWF TOGA Global Advanced Operational Surface Analysis, daily 1985-2010
This dataset contains the high resolution output from the ECMWF operational model. This set contains only surface data on a gaussian (N80) grid with a resolution of about 1.125...- dataset GRIB