FP4 NCAR/EOL QC Soundings
This dataset contains 109 quality-controlled radiosonde data files, in the EOL sounding format. These data were collected during the PECAN field campaign at the fixed Integrated...- dataset ASCII
FASTEX soundings from Lerwick (United Kingdom)
This dataset consists of sounding data from Lerwick in the United Kingdom (WMO 03005) which was operated by the UK Meteorological Office. Soundings were taken four times per day...- dataset ASCII
This dataset contains Sonic Detection And Ranging (SODAR) data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) during the Meteor Crater Experiment II (METCRAX-II)...- dataset ASCII
Skew-T Plots: Salt Lake City
This dataset contains upper air Skew-T Log-P charts taken at Salt Lake City, Utah during the ICE-L project. The imagery are in GIF format. The imagery cover the time span from...- dataset Image
ONR Tropical Cyclone Intensity 2015 NASA WB-57 HDSS Dropsonde Data
This data set contains the high vertical resolution (0.5 second PTH and 0.25 second GPS and winds) profiles from the eXpendable Digital Dropsondes (XDD) from the High Definition...- dataset Archive
Nairobi, Kenya High Resolution BUFR Radiosonde Data
This data set contains temperature, moisture, and wind profiles from the Modem GPSonde M10 radiosonde system operated by the Kenya Meteorology Department in Nairobi, Kenya...- dataset Binary
SOS92: CLASS Soundings [NCAR]
The Southern Oxidation Study (SOS92) used a single Cross Chain LORAN Atmospheric Sounding System (CLASS) station near Atlanta, GA. Three data files are written from each...- dataset Archive
ASC Mini-SoDAR Ten Minute Average Data at North West Granite Site (SOD-NWG)
This dataset contains ASC Mini-SoDAR Ten Minute Average data collected at the North West Granite Site (SOD-NWG) during the Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations...- dataset ASCII
FP3 Millersville University Sodar Imagery and Data
This data set contains wind and turbulence vertical profile data and imagery obtained by the Millersville University Scintec MFAS sodar located at the PECAN Fixed PISA 3 site in...- dataset Archive
Carrizal Venezuela 10mb Vertical Resolution Radiosonde Thermodynamic Data
This data set contains 10mb resolution vertical profiles of pressure, temperature, and mixing ratio from the Carrizal, Venezuela radiosonde system during the VIMHEX-II field...- dataset ASCII
Belize City, Belize Rawinsonde Data
This is one of the upper air data sets developed for the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment (RAINEX). It includes 17 high vertical resolution (2 second)...- dataset ASCII
INDOEX-98: CLASS Soundings [NCAR]
This data set from the Indian Ocean Experiment 1998 (INDOEX-98] was collected on the ship Sagar Kanya and the Hululu Station, from Cross-Chain LORAN Atmospheric Sounding Systems...- dataset Archive
ISS PurpleAir Aerosol Products
PurpleAir aerosol measurements collected during the Multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity horizontal array turbulence study (M2HATS). Sensors were mounted on the 10m surface...- dataset ASCII
NCAR Mobile GAUS (MGAUS) Rawinsonde Data (EOL Format) [NCAR/EOL]
The Terrain Induced Rotor Experiment (T-REX) was conducted during March and April 2006, during which time 87 radiosondes were launched using a mobile sounding system at three...- dataset ASCII
NCAR/EOL Quality-Controlled NIMA 915MHz Wind Profiler Winds and Moments Data
This dataset contains 915 MHz wind profiler data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located at the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah during the...- dataset NetCDF
Skew-T Plots: Darwin
This dataset contains upper air Skew-T Log-P charts taken at Darwin, Australia during the HIPPO-4 project. The imagery are in GIF format. The imagery cover the time span from...- dataset Image
Portugal Mandatory/Significant Level Radiosonde Data
This data set contains the mandatory and significant level radiosonde data from Lisbon, Portugal during the Perdigao project. Data are included for the period 1 December 2016 to...- dataset ASCII
Radiometer Data at Horseshoe Bend Site
This dataset contains radiometer data collected at the Horseshoe site for Seeded and Natural Orographic Wintertime clouds - the Idaho Experiment (SNOWIE). The instrument used is...- dataset ASCII
NOAA N42 P-3 Dropsonde Skew-T plots
This dataset contains Skew-T plots of dropsondes from the NOAA N42 P-3. Images exists for hurricanes Ophelia on September 7, 9, 11, 12, 16, and 17, and Rita on September 22-23.- dataset Image
Multi-Network Composite Highest Resolution Radiosonde Data
This data set includes the quality controlled high vertical resolution radiosonde data from all sources (National Weather Service and mobile soundings from the University of...- dataset ASCII