MesoVICT: Mesoscale Verification Inter-Comparison over Complex Terrain
The spatial forecast methods intercomparison project (ICP, http://www.ral.ucar.edu/projects/icp) was formed in 2007 with the aim of better understanding the rapidly increasing...- publication PDF
Description of the General Program Structure of the Third-generation NCAR Gen...
This document is a description of the design, implementation, and operation of the third-generation NCAR General Circulation Model (GCM). It contains the information needed by...- publication PDF
The Sea Ice Simulation of the Community Climate System Model, Version Two
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Studies in Climate
The Climate Project at the National Center for Atmospheric Research held a symposium on analysis and modeling of climate on large spatial scales from 29 November to 2 December...- publication PDF
Initialization of the PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model
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Generalized additive modelling of daily precipitation extremes and their clim...
Detection of changes in climate responses is essential to facilitate appropriate adaptation actions to be taken by decision makers, particularly where changes in the arrival...- publication PDF
January and July Simulation Experiments With the 2.5 Latitude-longitude Versi...
This technical note documents the capability of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 2.5�� latitude-longitude, second-generation, 6-layer General Circulation...- publication PDF
Differences Between the PROC01 and PROC02 Versions of the CCM Modular Processor
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NCAR General Circulation Model (GCM) History Tape Formats and Anomalies
This report serves as a common reference manual for General Circulation Model (GCM) personnel and outside interested parties. It specifically addresses development of, details...- publication PDF
A Description of Software for Determination of Normal Modes of the NCAR Commu...
This report describes the development of NCAR's Community Climate Model (CCM) software to determine the eigensolutions of a linearized version of the CCM. These eigensolutions...- publication PDF
Lower Boundary Conditions for the NCAR Global Circulation Model: Ocean Surfac...
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Comparison of NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM) Climates
The purpose of this project is to establish the climate record of four versions of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model (CCM). All four...- publication PDF
An Ocean Model Processor for Climate Studies
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A User's Guide to the VEMAP Phase 1 Database
The Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) is an ongoing multi-institutional, international effort addressing the response of biogeography and...- publication PDF
Diurnal to decadal global forcing for ocean and sea-ice models: The data sets...
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Spatial forecast verification: Image warping
PREFACE : In response to a growing need for more informative forecast verification in the face of gridded verification sets, many new methods have been proposed. While widely...- publication PDF
CCM Modular Processor Users' Guide (Version PROC02)
This document is a complete description of the capabilities of the PROC02 version of the CCM Modular Processor, including all of the information needed to run the code on the...- publication PDF
Terrain and land use for the fifth-generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model...
This document discusses in detail the program TERRAIN and is intended to provide users of the PSU/NCAR MM5 with an overview of the data sources and methods used in TERRAIN. Some...- publication PDF
A Statistical Investigation of the CESM Ensemble Consistency Testing Framework
Constant evolution and improvement of large scale climate simulation codes such as the Community Earth System Model (CESM) necessitate quality checks to verify the constitution...- publication PDF
Boundary Subroutine for the NCAR Global Climate Model
This report summarizes the parameterizations of surface processes currently being used in the NCAR grid point GCM. It treats in particular: (i) the calculation of ground, snow...- publication PDF