Sediment Oxygen Flux Data in the Bering Sea Shelf
The high productivity in the Bering sea coupled with shallow water depths over the shelf result in a large fraction of the productivity reaching the sediments. This fuels the...- dataset ASCII
PSEA-10-01, TN249-10 GenBank accession numbers for Pseudocalanus spp. mtCOI s...
This data set contains the GenBank accession numbers and sequences for each mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) haplotype of the different Pseudocalanus spp. collected...- dataset Excel ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from R/V Shiyan 3
This dataset consists of Integrated Sounding System (ISS) sounding data from aboard the People's Republic of China Research Vessel (R/V) Shiyan 3 which was operated by U.S....- dataset ASCII
R/V Kexue #1 Flux Data
Components of the turbulent winds and specific humidity measurements from the R/V Kexue #1 during its cruises for TOGA-COARE. When on station the ship was anchored at 156E and...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings derived from NOAA P-3 flight level data
This dataset consists of soundings derived from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAA-42 and NOAA-43 flight level data. Data were taken at events of...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Darwin
This dataset consists of sounding data from Darwin in Australia (WMO 94120). Soundings were taken four times per day (00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC) during the IOP, however the 06 and...- dataset ASCII
HLY-08-02 Thorium-234 and Uranium-238 Distributions in the Bering Sea
The data in the accompanying dataset (Moran Th/U HLY0802.xls) includes data corresponding to samples collected by the Moran Geochemistry Lab on the spring leg of the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-08-03 LDEO One Minute Averaged Data [Sambrotto/LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the underway instruments onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research...- dataset Shapefile ASCII
HLY-09-02 Thorium-234 and Uranium-238 Distributions in the Eastern Bering Sea
The data in the accompanying file (Moran Th-U HLY0902.xls) includes data corresponding to samples collected by the Moran Geochemistry Lab on the spring leg of the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-08-02 LDEO One Minute Averaged Data [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset includes data from the underway instruments onboard the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research...- dataset Shapefile ASCII
PROBES Meso-Zooplankton from 1980 and 1981
This data set contains PROBES MOCNESS Zooplankton data report files. During the PROBES program, Sharon Smith and co-workers conducted MOCNESS tows along the PROBES lines in the...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from Chuuk
This dataset consists of sounding data from Chuuk on Truk Island in the Caroline Islands (WMO 91334) which was operated by the U.S. National Weather Service. Soundings were...- dataset ASCII
Sediment trap data of vertical flux of algal pigments, POC and PON
This dataset contains data on vertical flux of algal pigments and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen determined by deploying sediment traps under sea ice in the Bering Sea...- dataset Excel ASCII
PSEA-10-01 Elog Event Data [Cooper, L./USCG-ESU]
This dataset contains the technician's narrative of important events which occurred both to the network and to individual sensors onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Polar...- dataset ASCII Image
Spring Chlorophyll Concentrations on the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf
The eastern Bering Sea shelf supports productive marine ecosystems with extraordinarily valuable fisheries and subsistence resources, but sub-arctic seas are predicted to be one...- dataset ASCII
HLY-08-01 Benthic Station Data, v1
This dataset contains measurements at each station of benthic parameters, benthic chlorophyll-a values (integrated water column chlorophyll-a, sediment chlorophyll-a), benthic...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-07-02 Elog Event Data [Grebmeier/LDEO]
This dataset contains the technician's narrative of important events which occurred both to the network and to individual sensors onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy...- dataset Archive XML ASCII
Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations and Stable Isotopes in...
This data set contains data on particulate organic nitrogen concentration and particulate organic carbon concentration as well as stable isotope ratios for carbon and nitrogen...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-07-01 Pore Water Nutrient Data [Devol, A.]
This dataset contains the pore water nutrient data from the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (BEST-BSIERP)...- dataset ASCII
TOGA COARE soundings from R/V Hakuho-Maru
This dataset consists sounding data from aboard the Research Vessel (R/V) Hakuho-Maru. The R/V was operated by the Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo. The R/V was in...- dataset ASCII