JTWC Tropical Cyclone Text Products
This data set contains Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) tropical cyclone text products. The products include the significant tropical weather advisory, tropical cyclone...- dataset ASCII
This dataset contains swp file data from ELDORA on the NRL P-3 aircraft during the RAINEX project. Data are contained in 10 minute tar files.- dataset Archive
SSMI Tropical Cyclone Imagery
This data set contains DMSP SSM/I satellite imagery centered over tropical systems in the western Pacific Ocean. The products include 37H, 85H, 85 weak, color, infrared, and...- dataset Image
AMSR-E Tropical Cyclone Imagery
This data set contains Aqua AMSR-E satellite imagery centered over tropical systems in the western Pacific Ocean. The products include 36H, 36V, 85PCT, 89H, rain rate, sea...- dataset Image
USAF C-130 Dropsonde TEMPDROP Data
TEMPDROP messages from the dropsondes released by the two USAF C-130 aircraft that flew during the ITOP field program. The C-130 aircraft were based out of Guam and flew around...- dataset ASCII
GOES-East Hurricane Sector Visible Imagery
This dataset contains GOES-E hurricane sectors of the visible imagery.- dataset Image
NOAA G-IV Dropsonde Scientist Logs
This dataset contains HRD dropsonde scientist logs from the flights of the NOAA N49 aircraft collected as part of the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment...- dataset ASCII
USAF C-130 Vortex Observation GTS Messages
This data set includes all of the Vortex messages from the two USAF C-130 aircraft that flew during the ITOP field program. The C-130 aircraft were based out of Guam and flew...- dataset ASCII
USAF C-130 NCAR/EOL Dropsonde Constant Level Winds KML Data
ITOP Google Earth KML files that contain constant level wind observations derived from the dropsondes released from the USAF C-130 aircraft. These files were produced by...- dataset KML
EPOCH 2017 Global Hawk QC Dropsonde Data
Dropsondes profiles deployed from three research flights on the NASA Global Hawk during the East Pacific Origins and Characteristics of Hurricanes (EPOCH) campaign. 216 quality...- dataset ASCII
USAF C-130 Flight Level 30-second Resolution Data
This data set includes 30-second resolution flight level data from the WC-130 flights for the ITOP field program (15 August - 20 October 2010). Additional information is...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
NRL Tropical Storm Satellite KML Data
This data set contains Google Earth KML files that contain polar orbiting satellite imagery for the systems that ITOP flew (ITOP07, ITOP10 (Kompasu), ITOP14 (Malau), ITOP20...- dataset KML
NOAA N43 P-3 HRD Research Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) Data
This dataset contains Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data from the NOAA N43 aircraft collected as part of the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment...- dataset NetCDF
IMK 7.0 km COSMO Model Imagery on Domain 1 Using GME Boundary Conditions
This data set contains COSMO (Consortium for Small Scale Modeling) model forecast imagery from the 7.0 km resolution version of the model on domain 1 (flex1) and using the DWD...- dataset Archive
NCAR WRF ARW 4km Forecast Products
This dataset contains the NCAR WRF 4km hurricane imagery that was taken during the Pre-Depression Investigation of Cloud-systems in the Tropics (PREDICT) experiment. The PREDICT...- dataset Image
NOAA N42 P-3 Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) Data
This dataset contains Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data from the NOAA N42 aircraft collected as part of the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment...- dataset NetCDF
NOAA N43 P-3 Radar Imagery - aircraft relative
This dataset contains imagery of the N43RF airborne radar data collected during Dennis, Emily, Gert, Katrina, Ophelia, and Rita. The imagery are in aircraft relative...- dataset Movie Image
Global Drifter Program (GDP) Data Assembly Center (DAC) Hurricane Buoy Data
This dataset contains hurricane buoy data from the Global Drifter Program (GDP) Data Assembly Center (DAC) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)...- dataset PDF ASCII
National Hurricane Center Composite Tracks Forecast Products
This dataset contains National Hurricane Center Composite Tracks Forecast Products that were taken during the Pre-Depression Investigation of Cloud-systems in the Tropics...- dataset Image
MTSAT Infrared Tropical Cyclone Imagery
This data set contains MTSAT infrared satellite imagery centered over tropical systems in the western Pacific Ocean. All are available during periods of active tropical systems...- dataset Image