Landsat Derived Historical Lake Extents
Lake extent maps for the Alaska North Slope and Barrow peninsula were generated from selected Landsat satellite images between 1977 and 2008 available at the United States...- dataset Archive
Barium Concentrations and Salinity in Arctic River Estuaries, 1993-1996
This data set includes measurements of barium concentrations and salinity in samples collected from the estuaries of major Arctic rivers and adjacent shelf areas during 1993 to...- dataset PDF ASCII
Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Brw Be Drainage
Modeled drainage points within the Barrow Biocomplexity study area. Data were derived using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived for the study area from airborne Light...- dataset Archive
Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Brw Be Catchment
This dataset contains Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Brw Be Catchment data. Modeled catchment area and sub-catchments within the Barrow Biocomplexity study area. Data were derived...- dataset Archive
Alaskan Lake Database Mapped from Landsat Images
The lake map for the State of Alaska was generated from selected Landsat acquired during summer seasons of circa 2000. Nearly 400 30-m resolution Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus...- dataset Archive
Paleoenvironment, Geomorphic Processes, and Carbon Stocks of Drained Thaw-lak...
These data are from a study of the origin and associated geomorphological, ecological, and pedological processes of thaw-lake basins of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. The...- dataset Archive
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Permanent Plots
This data report is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 73 study plots at the Department of Energy R4D research site, located near...- dataset PDF ASCII
Lake Water Level and Temperature from Pressure Sensors
Water level and temperature measurements were collected hourly in June through August for the years 2008 through 2010 several lakes near Barrow and Atqasuk, Alaska. Solinst...- dataset Excel
Quartz Lake, Alaska 11,200 Year Chironomid and Stable Isotope Data
This dataset contains chironomid and stable isotope data from sediments recovered from Quartz Lake, Alaska for the past 11,200 years. The data are available as either a text or...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Dune Lake, Alaska 12,000 Year Multiproxy Sediment Data
This dataset contains opal, organic carbon and nitrogen contents, and organic δ13C (carbon-13) and δN15 (nitrogen-15) stable isotopes that were analyzed on a...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Methane ebullition flux data from thermokarst lakes, 2003-2010
This dataset contains ebullition flux measurements from thermokarst lakes in Siberia and Alaska. Data were collected using submerged bubble traps placed over discrete ebullition...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Water quality data for lakes on the North Slope of Alaska
A regional assessment of thermokarst lakes across the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska was conducted using satellite images to detect changes in lake coverage and morphometry...- dataset Excel
ART-Russia River Temperature
This data set covers 20 gauges in 17 unique Arctic Ocean drainage basins in the Russian pan-Arctic (ART-Russia). Warm season 10-day time step data (decades) were collected from...- dataset ASCII
Geochemical analyses of Icelandic tephra preserved in lake sediments
This data set contains major element geochemical analyses of tephra grains isolated from lake sediment recovered in continuous cores from lakes in Iceland, Svalbard, Arctic...- dataset Excel
Rantin Lake, Yukon 10,900 - 3,100 YrBP Multiproxy Sediment Data
This dataset contains multiproxy sediment data from Rantin Lake, southern Yukon, covering the interval 10,900 to 3,100 calendar years before present. Paleoenvironmental proxies...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Qalluuraq Lake, Alaska 12,000 Year Multiproxy Methane Sediment Data
This dataset contains multiproxy sediment data from Qalluuraq Lake, Alaska, for the past 12,000 years. Paleoenvironmental proxies measured include stable isotopic ratios,...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Landsat Derived Historical Lake Extents for the Barrow Peninsula
This data set consists of Lake extent maps for the Barrow peninsula from five historical Landsat satellite images classified by a hierarchical classification system. Normalized...- dataset Archive
Lake Sediment Thermal Properties for Emaiksoun Lake (Barrow, Alaska)
Lake sediment thermal property measurements were made on Emaiksoun Lake (also known as "Freshwater Lake"). This lake is located on the south end of town in Barrow,...- dataset Excel
Synthesis and Scaling of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Data on the North Slop...
Understanding land-ocean-atmosphere coupling is essential for developing an integrated view of the arctic system, and is a key component of the Study of the Northern Alaska...- dataset Excel
Water Temperature and Bathymetric Depth Soundings for Lakes near Barrow
This dataset contains Water Temperature and Bathymetric Depth Soundings for Lakes near Barrow, AK. Onset Water Temperature Pro v2 loggers were used in each of the five lakes....- dataset Excel OTHER Archive