Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Precipitation Data
This data set contains the gridded precipitation data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) system for days that...- dataset Archive
Sorel, QC Vaisala Forward Scatter Sensor FD71P Data
This dataset contains the raw data from the Vaisala Forward Scatter Sensor (FD71P) sited at Sorel-Tracy, QC for the Winter Precipitation Type Research Mult-Scale Experiment...- dataset ASCII
CFI Climate Sentinels UQAM-PK MRR-2 Raw Data
This dataset contains raw data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) permanently installed on the rooftop of UQAM President-Kennedy building in...- dataset ASCII
NCAR Micro Rain Radar (MRR) Snowbank Data
This dataset contains NCAR Micro Rain Radar (MRR) data collected at the Snowbank site for the Seeded and Natural Orographic Wintertime clouds—the Idaho Experiment...- dataset ASCII
ETL Radar-based Cloud Microphysics Retrievals [Shupe, M., and T. Uttal]
Cloud microphysical properties are derived from retrieval techniques that combine ground-based radar and radiometer measurements from the SHEBA ice camp. Retrieved parameters...- dataset Archive NetCDF
CIRPAS Twin Otter PDI Derived Drizzle Rates
This data set is comprised of time and Drizzle Rate (R) data. R was calculated using data collected by the Phase Doppler Interferometer and is in units of mm/day. The data were...- dataset ASCII
Sorel, QC OTT Parsivel2 Disdrometer Data
This dataset contains the raw data from the OTT Parsivel2 laser disdrometer sited at Sorel-Tracy, QC for the Winter Precipitation Type Research Mult-Scale Experiment...- dataset ASCII
NCAR/EOL ISS Surface Meteorology Data (Sodar-RASS Site)
Surface meteorology data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) Lufft WS700 that was located at the southeast end of the Vale do Cobrao at the Sodar-RASS...- dataset NetCDF
EMESH Surface Station Observations
This dataset contains data collected from a dense network of Environmental Monitoring, Economical Sensor Hubs (EMESH) stations from the University of Alabama at Huntsville...- dataset ASCII
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data
S-Pol radar moments data collected during the Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) project from 26 May 2015 to 16 July 2015. The data are available as hourly tar files...- dataset NetCDF
CFI Climate Sentinels Trois-Rivières MRR-Pro data
This dataset contains data from a METEK vertically profiling K-band Micro Rain Radar Pro (MRR-Pro) that was temporarily installed at the Université du Québec...- dataset NetCDF
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project Tier 2 High Resolut...
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Tier 2 Climate Change High Resolution developer catalogues. Each ARTMIP method/algorithm (named by the...- dataset NetCDF
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project Tier 1 Source Data ...
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Tier 1 developer catalogues and source data. Each ARTMIP method/algorithm (named by developer) submits a...- dataset NetCDF
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project Tier 2 CMIP5/6 Sour...
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Tier 2 CMIP5/6 developer catalogues and source data. Each ARTMIP method/algorithm (named by developer) submits...- dataset NetCDF
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project Tier 2 Reanalysis S...
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Tier 2 Reanalysis developer catalogues and source data. Each ARTMIP method/algorithm (named by developer)...- dataset NetCDF
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project Tier 2 Paleo Source...
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) Tier 2 Paleoclimate source data and developer catalogues. Each ARTMIP method/algorithm (named by the...- dataset NetCDF
20CRv3-WRF - High-resolution WRF climate simulation for southern Alaska using...
Currently, mass loss from Alaskan glaciers contributes to about a third of global mean sea level rise. The 20CRv3-WRF, a high-resolution (4 km) climate dataset, covers southern...- dataset NetCDF
CESM Low Warming runs
Community Earth System Model Low Warming runs containing the following frequencies and components CESM Low Warming Atmosphere Post Processed Monthly Averages CESM Low Warming...- dataset NetCDF
SO2 injection matrix simulations
The SO2 injection matrix simulations were performed to perform a system identification of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM), to identify the aerosol optical...- dataset NetCDF
Past2k: Transient simulation of the climate of the last 2000 years
This past2k simulation spanning the last 2 millennia, described in the reference paper [https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2018GL079447], uses the fully...- dataset NetCDF