Geo-database for field study sites in Northern Alaska [Jia, J., H. Epstein, D...
This dataset contains the location and site information for the field and meteorological sites in northern Alaska. They are created according to published site information and...- dataset Archive
Barrow Area Remote Sensing - Brw Be Matted Trail
This data set contains data from a matted trail constructed for the Barrow Biocomplexity Experiment 2006. Data were derived using the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium...- dataset Archive
Station List
The North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) 2004 Data sets contain data collected from over 38000 stations in the NAME Tier 3 domain and time period. The station information...- dataset ASCII
TORUS 2022 Deployment Summary Movies
Movies that summarize key TORUS 2022 deployments. The movies were generated from IDV (integrated Data Viewer) and include the positions of all assets operating on the particular...- dataset Movie
DOTSTAR ASTRA Flight Track Imagery
This data set contains flight track imagery from the DOTSTAR ASTRA aircraft for flights during T-PARC. Flights took place on 20 August and 10, 11, 16, 22, 27 and 28 September...- dataset Image
NCEP/EMC U.S. Precipitation Ancillary Station List
This data file contains the station information for the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) Gage Datasets. This dataset is...- dataset ASCII Archive
GCIP/ESOP-97 Ancillary: Station List
This dataset contains a list of stations whose data are included in the GCIP/ESOP-97 data sets. This list includes station name, latitude, longitude, elevation, station type,...- dataset ASCII
NCEP/CPC Mexico Unified Daily Precipitation Station List
This dataset contains a list of stations whose data are included in the PACS Mexican data sets. This list includes station name, latitude, longitude, elevation, station type,...- dataset ASCII Image
TRAJ3D Air Mass Trajectory Model
This dataset contains 10-day forward and backward air parcel trajectories calculated with initial positions taken at 1-minute intervals alont the aircraft flight track for each...- dataset Archive
VORTEX-95 Station List
List of stations whose data are included in the VORTEX-95 data sets. List includes station name, latitude, longitude,elevation, station type, observing network ID, and station id.- dataset ASCII
Flight Tracks - Google Earth .kml files
KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth. This dataset contains KML files used to display the C130 flight track flown during...- dataset KML
GCIP/EAOP-98 Ancillary: Station List
This dataset contains a list of stations whose data are included in the GCIP/EAOP-98 data sets. This list includes station name, latitude, longitude, elevation, station type,...- dataset ASCII
Interpolated Global Lagrangian Drifter Buoy Data
This dataset contains satellite-tracked drifting buoy data that were collected by numerous investigators and agencies in several conuntries for the World Ocean Circulation...- dataset HTML ASCII
TORUS_2019 Deployment Summary (IDV Bundles)
This data set contains IDV (Integrated Data Viewer) bundles of key TORUS 2019 deployments. Each bundle includes the positions of all assets operating on a particular day updated...- dataset OTHER
Buoy: IABP Daily Buoy Positions [Moritz, R.]
During SHEBA, the Polar Science Center at the University of Washington deployed a network of automatic buoys for monitoring synoptic-scale fields of pressure, temperature, and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Flight Tracks - Google Earth .kml files
KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth. This dataset contains KML files used to display the GV flight track in real-time...- dataset KML
NAME GIS Data Layers
This dataset contains a variety of spatial data layers compiled in support of research activities associated with the NAME research program. With a few exception the data layers...- dataset Archive
Differential GPS (DGPS) [NCAR/EOL]
Differential GPS (DGPS) data are time series of three-dimensional airplane coordinates that provide increased accuracy and precision compared to a standard GPS measurements....- dataset Binary
Flight Tracks (Google Earth .kml files) [(NCAR-EOL-RAF)]
KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth. This dataset contains KML files used to display the GV HIAPER flight track in...- dataset KML
DLR Falcon Flight Track Imagery
This dataset contains DLR Falcon flight track imagery produced during the DC3 project. The imagery are in PNG format. The imagery cover the time span from 2012-05-30 00:00:00 to...- dataset Image