A characterization of the present-day arctic atmosphere in CCSM4
Simulation of key features of the Arctic atmosphere in the Community Climate System Model, version 4 (CCSM4) is evaluated against observational and reanalysis datasets for the...- publication PDF
Characterizing the uncertainty and assessing the value of gap-filled daily ra...
Almost all daily rainfall time series contain gaps in the instrumental record. Various methods can be used to fill in missing data using observations at neighboring sites...- publication PDF
Detecting climate signals in populations across life histories
Climate impacts are not always easily discerned in wild populations as detecting climate change signals in populations is challenged by stochastic noise associated with natural...- publication PDF
Atmospheric rotors and severe turbulence in a long deep valley
The conceptual model of an atmospheric rotor is reexamined in the context of a valley, using data from the Terrain-Induced Rotor Experiment (T-REX) conducted in 2006 in the...- publication PDF
Tropopause‐Level NOx in the Asian Summer Monsoon
Deep convection within the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) transports surface level air into the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere (UTLS). This work aims to understand the...- publication PDF
Soluble chromophores in marine snow, seawater, sea ice and frost flowers near...
We measured light absorption in 42 marine snow, sea ice, seawater, brine, and frost flower samples collected during the OASIS field campaign between February 27 and April 15,...- publication PDF
Contrasting trends of mass and optical properties of aerosols over the Northe...
Atmospheric aerosols affect both human health and climate. PMX is the mass concentration of aerosol particles that have aerodynamic diameters less than X μm, PM10 was initially...- publication PDF
Cancellation exponents in helical and non-helical flows
Helicity is a quadratic invariant of the Euler equation in three dimensions. As the energy, when present helicity cascades to smaller scales where it dissipates. However, the...- publication PDF
Measurement of HO₂NO₂ in the free troposphere during the Intercontinental Che...
The first direct in situ measurements of HO₂NO₂ in the upper troposphere were performed from the NASA DC-8 during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-North...- publication PDF
Investigating the sensitivity to resolving aerosol interactions in downscalin...
In this work we present downscaling experiments with the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) to test the sensitivity to resolving aerosol-radiation and aerosol-cloud...- publication PDF
The intraseasonal and interannual variability of Arctic temperature and speci...
Temperature and humidity inversions are common in the Arctic's lower troposphere, and are a crucial component of the Arctic's climate system. In this study, we quantify the...- publication PDF
Representation of boundary layer moisture transport in cloud-resolving models
One of the important roles of the PBL is to transport moisture from the surface to the cloud layer. However, how this transport process can be accounted for in cloud-resolving...- publication PDF
First eddy covariance flux measurements by PTR-TOF
The recently developed PTR-TOF instrument was evaluated to measure methanol fluxes emitted from grass land using the eddy covariance method. The high time resolution of the...- publication PDF
Sensitivity of mountain wave drag estimates on separation methods and propose...
Internal gravity waves (GWs) are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, making significant contributions to the me-soscale motions. Since the majority of their spectrum is unresolved in...- publication PDF
Characteristic scales of complexity and coherence within interplanetary coron...
Many aspects of the 3D structure and evolution of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) remain unexplained. Here, we investigate two main topics: (1) the coherence scale...- publication PDF
From bow waves to traveling atmospheric disturbances: Thermospheric perturbat...
In this study, we investigate the characteristics of thermospheric perturbations triggered by a set of four solar eclipses, using the Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics...- publication PDF
On the variability of the semidiurnal solar and lunar tides of the equatorial...
The variabilities of the semidiurnal solar and lunar tides of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) are investigated during the 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2013 major sudden stratospheric...- publication PDF
Cloud‐nucleating particles over the Southern Ocean in a changing climate
Stratocumulus clouds over the Southern Ocean have fewer droplets and are more likely to exist in the predominately supercooled phase than clouds at similar temperatures over...- publication PDF
Toward understanding the 3D structure and evolution of magnetic flux ropes in...
In this work, we analyze the initial eruptive process of an extremely long duration C7.7-class flare that occurred on 2011 June 21. The flare had a 2 hr long rise time in soft...- publication PDF
Influence of the North Pacific Victoria mode on the Pacific ITCZ summer preci...
This study demonstrates the close connection between the second dominant mode of spring sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) in the North Pacific poleward of 20°N, referred...- publication PDF