Meteorological and Radio Brightness Observations of Thawing Permafrost Near T...
This data set includes meteorological and radio brightness observations of tundra and shrub terrain on the North Slope of Alaska, USA near Toolik Lake. These data are nearly...- dataset Archive
Low Arctic monitoring of plant community composition and dynamics
This dataset contains annual assessment of plant community composition and biomass production near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. These data derive from an ongoing experiment that...- dataset Excel ASCII
Halomethane and methane net fluxes in northern Alaskan tundra, Barrow and Too...
These data quantify fluxes of environmentally important trace gases between the coastal tundra and atmosphere, including methyl halides, chloroform and methane. The methyl...- dataset ASCII
North American Tundra NEE modeled from MODIS data
This data set provides growing season Net Ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) between tundra ecosystems and the atmosphere for North America. Data are produced over the growing season...- dataset Image
Experimental freeze down of tundra soils
Samples were collected as part of a laboratory experiment assessing the effects of the rate of freezing and of the final temperature on soil nutrient dynamics and microbial...- dataset Excel
An Analysis of the Carbon Balance of the Arctic Basin from 1997 to 2006
These data sets are the results of a model-data analysis of the contemporary C balance of the Arctic system. CO2 and CH4 exchange between the terrestrial ecosystems of the basin...- dataset ASCII
Rantin Lake, Yukon 10,900 - 3,100 YrBP Multiproxy Sediment Data
This dataset contains multiproxy sediment data from Rantin Lake, southern Yukon, covering the interval 10,900 to 3,100 calendar years before present. Paleoenvironmental proxies...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Characterization of Potentially Jurassic-Age Mummified Organic Material, Elle...
This data set investigates the characteristics and spatial distribution of a mummified forest deposit in Quttinirpaaq National Park, Canada. Analyses include palynological...- dataset PDF Archive Image
Land-Cover Map of the North Slope of Alaska
This ArcInfo map provides a spatially explicit representation of the nature and distribution of land cover and tundra types on the North Slope of Alaska. This was done in...- dataset Archive
Thule Fen CO2 Exchange 2004-2006
This dataset includes mid-day measurements of CO2 exchange in hummocks and pools with and without open-top experimental warming chambers (OTCs). Measurements were made using a...- dataset ASCII
Sedimentary Denitrification Rates from the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas
This data set contains the sedimentary denitrification rates from the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas obtained during August-September 1992, and rates obtained in the...- dataset ASCII
Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes, Toolik Lake, Alaska, 1995 and 1996
Carbon dioxide exchange, air temperature, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were measured on tundra plots at the Toolik Lake Field Station during the summers of 1995...- dataset Excel ASCII
Polar Bears: Muscle analyses
From a subset of captured bears, a muscle sample was obtained through a sterile biopsy. Muscle samples were analyzed for fiber types, DNA content, protein content, and stable...- dataset Excel ASCII
Canopy Foliage Area Index, Toolik Lake, Alaska, 1995 and 1996
This dataset contains Canopy Foliage Area Index data for Toolik Lake, Alaska. Leaf Area Index (LAI) was measured for tundra plots at the Toolik Lake Field Station during the...- dataset Excel ASCII
Soil Descriptions and Soil Chemistry for LAII/ATLAS Winter Carbon Flux Sites,...
Soil profiles at 27 sites in northern Alaska were described and classified in order to provide baseline soils data for ARCSS/LAII/ATLAS (Arctic Transitions in the...- dataset Excel Image
Trophic Mismatch and Its Consequences for Dynamics of an Arctic Herbivore
Species specific records of plant emergence and life-history phases (flower set, bloom, fruit-set) were collected at near daily intervals from 12 long term monitoring plots from...- dataset ASCII
Resource Allocation and Allometry of Plant Growth at Selected Sites in the Ar...
This data set consists of seven data files containing measurements from Arctic field sites during the summer months from 5 July 2003 to 5 August 2005 as part of the Land...- dataset Archive
Elevated Soil Temperature and Water Table Manipulation Data from Barrow, Alas...
This data set contains elevated soil temperature and water table manipulation measurements taken at a tundra site near Barrow, Alaska, USA. Eighteen 60-cm diameter polycarbonate...- dataset ASCII
Controls on Carbon Flux in Moist Acidic Versus Nonacidic Tundra, Arctic LTER ...
This dataset contains Controls on Carbon Flux in Moist Acidic Versus Nonacidic Tundra, Arctic Long Term Ecological Research Program (LTER) Data. In an effort to understand soil...- dataset Excel
Benthos and Water Column Process Influences, Northeast Water Polynya Project,...
These data include physical and biological parameters measured to address the influence of water column processes on the benthos in the Northeast Water Polynya Project on the...- dataset ASCII