HLY-02-01 Benthic Station Data (benthic faunal data and sediment tracers) (Ex...
This data set contains measurements at each station of benthic parameters, including bottom water parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen, delta 18O), benthic...- dataset Excel
HLY-02-03 Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics (Excel) [Dunton, K.]
This data set contains measurements of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in biological material collected from three levels in the ocean (POM, plankton, benthos) from the HLY-02-03...- dataset Excel
NOAA N42 P-3 Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) Data
This dataset contains Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data from the NOAA N42 aircraft collected as part of the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR uncorrected radar moments data, 10 Hz
HIAPER Cloud Radar 10Hz, field version data collected during the HCR-Test experiment from 20 November 2014 to 1 December 2014. The data are in cfRadial format and are available...- dataset NetCDF
SWL12 Bottle data
This dataset includes measurements of water samples collected at hydrographic stations from the annual Canadian Coast Guard Service Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise during July 2012....- dataset Excel
SWL15 Marine Mammal Watch
Marine mammal observations were recorded along-track from the northern Bering Sea (175.21 W, 62.01 N) northward to Barrow Canyon at the boundary of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas...- dataset Excel
HX-274 ADCP Data [Woodgate, R.]
This is edited ship's Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and Sea Surface (SS) underway data from the Alpha Helix mooring recovery and redeployment cruise June 2003 and...- dataset PDF ASCII
National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) Moored Buoy and C-MAN Station Data
This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological and oceanographic data and 10 minute resolution wind data from the NOAA National Data Buoy Center moored buoy and...- dataset ASCII
NRL COAMPS Adjoint Forward Model Area 1 60h Forecast Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS Adjoint Forward Model 60 hour forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include ocean mixed layer depth and change, sea surface...- dataset Image
Global GTS Ship and Buoy Observations in GEMPAK format
The GTS Ship and Buoy Observations Data set is one of several data sets collected by the University Corporation of Atmospheric Research/Joint Office for Science Support. These...- dataset GEMPAK
NRL NOGAPS Sea State Forecast Imagery
This data set contains NRL NOGAPS model sea state forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include peak/swell/wind wave period and direction/height and...- dataset Image
Model Ice Deformation and Ice Thickness Distribution [Lindsay, R.]
This data set consists of daily estimates of the ice velocity, deformation, mean thickness, the thickness distribution, thermal forcings, and the energy balance of the ice near...- dataset PDF ASCII
Ice Concentration - Circumarctic [NIC]
This dataset consists of daily Naval Ice Center (NIC) Hybrid Total Ice Concentration plots of the Arctic Ocean. Images are in .png format.- dataset Image
Global Drifter Program (GDP) Data Assembly Center (DAC) Hurricane Buoy Data
This dataset contains hurricane buoy data from the Global Drifter Program (GDP) Data Assembly Center (DAC) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)...- dataset PDF ASCII
R/V Discoverer DOC Measurements - Leg 1
This dataset contains seawater measurements of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) made aboard the R/V Discoverer in Leg 1 during ACE-1.- dataset ASCII
CNS Data for Box Core Sample P-1 taken at P1-92-14 (Excel) [Cutter, G.]
This data represents the carbon, nitrogen, and silicon content of the Piston Core sample P-1 taken at P1-92-AR.- dataset Excel
SWL11 Marine Mammal Watch
This dataset contains marine upper trophic data from DBO regions 1-5 during the Sir Wilfrid Laurier 2011 cruise. The data consist of marine mammal watch, sea ice cover, sea...- dataset Excel
HLY-02-03 224Ra and 228Th Data (ASCII) [Kadko, D.]
This data set contains measurements of the water column activities of the naturally occurring isotopes 224 RA and 228 Th. Because 224RA (T1/2=3.64d) is derived through input...- dataset ASCII
Ice Stress [Richter-Menge J., B. Elder, K. Claffey]
A governing factor in the exchange of energy between the atmosphere, sea ice cover, and ocean is the thickness distribution of the ice cover. A complex series of dynamic and...- dataset Archive ASCII
HLY-03-01 ADCP Data (10-min Averages) [Muenchow, A.]
The United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy contains a 75-kHz phased-array Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Ocean Surveyor) mounted under the hull to transmit...- dataset ASCII