Texas Tech University Sticknet Data
This dataset includes the Mobile Sticknet Data collected during the two VORTEX2 field phases (i.e., 10 May 2009 to 13 June 2009 and 1 May 2010 to 15 June 2010). Data are...- dataset Archive ASCII
Kellogg Biological Station LTER Meteorological Data
This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological data from the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network site at the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) in...- dataset ASCII
CEOP_AP Eastern Siberia Tundra Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) CEOP_AP Siberia Tundra Tiksi Hourly Surface Data Set. This data set contains hourly data...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
NCAR/EOL 5 minute ISFS surface flux data, tilt corrected, geographic coordina...
Tilt corrected 5 minute averages of surface flux data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) during the CHEESEHEAD field campaign. These data have been...- dataset NetCDF
Council Climate Data - Shrub Site (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data from the shrub site in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in ASCII format. This dataset is also available in an...- dataset ASCII
NOAA/ATDD Goodwin Creek Watershed (Mississippi) Flux Data
This is the flux data for the Goodwin Creek Watershed (Mississippi) site.- dataset ASCII
Mexico Navy SEMAR Automated Weather Station Data
This dataset contains automated weather station data from the Mexican Navy SEMAR stations that are located along the coast of Mexico and its islands. More information on the...- dataset Excel ASCII
NCDC DATSAV3 Hourly Dataset
The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Surface Climatic Database (DATSAV3) Dataset reports for 7 stations in the CASES-99 time period (25 September 1999 thru 5 November 1999)...- dataset ASCII
NRL P3 Low Rate (1 sps) Navigation, State Parameter, and Microphysics Flight-...
This dataset contains netCDF data obtained aboard the NRL P3 aircraft during the BAMEX (Bow Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment) project. This dataset contains the...- dataset NetCDF
Council Climate Data - Site 6 Low Shrub (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes climate data in ASCII format from site 6 in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It includes data from the lowshrub site. This...- dataset ASCII
ASOS Hourly Surface Data in QC Format
The Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) Hourly Surface data in QC format is one of several surface datasets provided in the GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project...- dataset ASCII
Tower, PRELIMINARY 10m SPO surface met data plots(station2). (GIF) [Moritz, R.]
This dataset contains preliminary GIF images from the SHEBA Project Office 10m towers at the SHEBA ice camp. The PRELIMINARY data are from the surface meteorology 10m tower...- dataset Image
GAPP: Ft. Peck Surface Meteorology and Radiation Data Set
This data set contains the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project (CEOP) Enhanced Observing Period 3 (EOP-3) Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
NCAR/EOL ISFS High Rate Surface Meteorology and Flux Products - winds in theo...
High rate surface meteorology and flux products collected by the EOL/Integrated Surface Flux System team during the Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain (CFACT) field campaign in...- dataset NetCDF
SAO Special Observations
Wind direction/speed, ceiling height, visibility. dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature, sea level and station pressure, cloud data, and present...- dataset ASCII
ECMWF WRF T799 0.22deg Resolution Analysis
This data set consists of ECMWF WRF T799 0.22deg Resolution Analysis model GRIB files for the period of the VOCALS project.- dataset GRIB
NCAR/EOL ISS Surface Meteorology Data
This dataset contains surface meteorology data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System (ISS) during the Inhibition of Snowfall by Pollution Aerosol project in 2002...- dataset NetCDF
High rate ISFS measurements from 45 meter tower at AABC site
This dataset contains high rate Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) measurements from the 45 meter tower at the Alabama Aquatic Biodiversity Center (AABC). These data were...- dataset NetCDF
This data set is a single tar file of data from one PAM station located at the Hugo Relief Station on the coast of South Carolina.- dataset ASCII
Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Level 3 Gridded Data
Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Level 3 Gridded Data are included in this dataset for the MAIR-E (Methane Source Quantification/MethaneAIR Extended Mission) 2022 Field Project....- dataset Archive