German Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
This dataset contains outputs from two runs of a coupled atmosphere-ocean model at DKRZ in Hamburg. The runs were made in 1990 and they include a control run and an IPCC...- dataset GRIB
JRA-55: Japanese 55-year Reanalysis, Daily and Monthly Climatologies, 1991-2020
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) conducted JRA-55, the second Japanese global atmospheric reanalysis project. It covers 55 years, extending back to 1958, coinciding with...- dataset GRIB
NMC MRF Global Flux Fields, daily 1990Mar-1999Feb
Fields from MRF analyses, four times per day, plus 12-, 24- and 36-hour forecasts.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Monthly Means of 2.5 Degree Surface and Flux Analysis Data
This dataset includes monthly means of 2.5 degree surface and flux analysis data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project.- dataset GRIB
NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) Monthly Products, January 1979...
The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) was initially completed over the 31-year period from 1979 to 2009 and has been...- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Monthly Means of Surface and Flux Fields
The monthly means of surface and flux fields from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
Northern Hemisphere Surface Pressure and Precipitation Grids from the U.S.S.R.
This data set contains Northern Hemisphere surface pressure and precipitation data prepared by the U.S.S.R. The surface pressure grids include average monthly pressures for...- dataset GRIB NetCDF
Japanese 25-year Reanalysis Project
The Japanese 25-year Reanalysis (JRA-25) represents the first long-term global atmospheric reanalysis undertaken in Asia. Covering the period 1979-2004, it was completed using...- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T85 Analysis Fields on Model Levels, created at NCAR
DS124.2 represents a dataset implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support Section, and forms an essential part of efforts undertaken in late 2004, early 2005, to produce an...- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T106 Analysis Fields on Pressure Surfaces, created at NCAR
DS127.1 represents a higher resolution version of ds124.1 [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds124.1/]. Both ds124.1 and 127.1 were implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support...- dataset GRIB
ERA5.1: Corrections to ERA5 Stratospheric Temperature 2000-2006
In ECMWF Technical Memo 859 released in January 2020, Simmons and his coauthors report that "the ERA5 analyses of lower stratospheric temperature exhibit a pronounced cold bias...- dataset GRIB NetCDF
ERA-40 1.5 degree Wave Model Forecasts
This contains global 1.5 degree wave model forecast data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project.- dataset GRIB
Subsurface Temperature And Salinity Analyses
Monthly objectively analyzed subsurface temperature and Salinity at 24 levels in the upper 1500 meters started from 1945 and prepared by M. Ishii et al. The analysis is based on...- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Monthly Means of Upper Air Pressure Level Forecasts
This contains the monthly means of upper air pressure level forecasts data from ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis project.- dataset GRIB
ERA-40 Radiative Tendency Fields
The 6-hourly radiative tendency variables from ECMWR ERA-40 reanalysis project accumulated over the 3 and 6 hour forecasts are in this dataset.- dataset GRIB
ERA40 T85 Monthly Mean Analysis Fields on Model Levels, created at NCAR
DS126.2 represents a dataset implemented and computed by NCAR's Data Support Section, and forms an essential part of efforts undertaken in late 2004, early 2005, to produce an...- dataset GRIB
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Monthly Mean Subsets (from DS090.0), 1948-continuing
The monthly means of NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis (R1) products, archived in ds090.0 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds090.0/] dataset, are extracted and reorganized into subgroups in...- dataset GRIB
NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, July 1976 to April 1997
The Final (FNL) global tropospheric analyses archived here were produced by NCEP's Global Forecast System (GFS), which was run operationally at 12-hour intervals to make...- dataset GRIB Binary
ERA-Interim Project, Monthly Means
ERA-Interim represents a major undertaking by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) to produce a reanalysis with an improved atmospheric model and...- dataset GRIB
ECMWF TOGA Global Advanced Operational Surface Analysis, daily 1985-2010
This dataset contains the high resolution output from the ECMWF operational model. This set contains only surface data on a gaussian (N80) grid with a resolution of about 1.125...- dataset GRIB