Ivotuk Flux Data - MNT Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes flux data from the MNT site near Ivotuk gathered during the 1998 summer field season. Surface energy and trace gas exchange measurements were made at each...- dataset Excel
Council Flux Data - Burned Tundra Site (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes flux data from the burned tundra area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in ASCII format. This dataset is also available in...- dataset ASCII
Toolik Litter Study [Welker, J., J. Fahnestock]
The data set presented here represents part of a study that examined the ecological consequences of allochthonous litter deposition in tundra communities near Toolik Lake,...- dataset ASCII
Modeling the Effect of Snowpack on Respiration - CASA Model [McGuire, A. D.]
This data set contains the model output data of Carnegie Ames Stanford Approach (CASA) simulations for the terrestrial biosphere of the globe. Please see the Readme for a...- dataset ASCII
Council Flux Data - Forest Site (Excel) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes flux data from the forest area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in Excel format.- dataset Excel
Council Flux Data - Site 2 Tundra (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes flux data in ASCII format from site 2 in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It includes data from the tundra site. This...- dataset ASCII
Council Flux Data - Shallow Lake Site (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes flux data from the shallow lake site area in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season in ASCII format. This dataset is also...- dataset ASCII
Council Flux Data - Site 1 Spruce Forest (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes flux data in ASCII format from site 1 in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It includes data from the spruce forest site....- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Flux Data - MNT Site (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes flux data from the MNT site near Ivotuk gathered during the 1998 summer field season. Surface energy and trace gas exchange measurements were made at each...- dataset ASCII
Council Flux Data - Site 4 Woodland (ASCII) [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes flux data in ASCII format from site 4 in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It includes data from the woodland site. This...- dataset ASCII
Winter CO2 efflux - Basetraps (ASCII) [Welker, J., J. Fahnestock]
This dataset represents estimates of wintertime carbon efflux from various tundra and subarctic soils over several winters. This dataset is also available in an Excel format....- dataset ASCII
Methane Flux Measurements, Happy Valley, AK, 1994
This data set contains CH4 (methane) flux and related measurements taken at the Happy Valley Flux Study Site in northern Alaska during the summer of 1994. Sampling was conducted...- dataset ASCII
Large scale water manipulation experiment in the Arctic tundra
This data set includes data from the Barrow Environmental Observatory (BEO) as part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Biocomplexity Program. This involved increasing and...- dataset Archive
Climate and Flux Data from Alaska Sites, 1998-2000
This data set contains climate, flux, and bulk density data from Ivotuk and Council (Seward Peninsula), Alaska, collected from 1998 through 2000. Surface energy and trace gas...- dataset ASCII Archive
Halomethane and methane net fluxes in northern Alaskan tundra, Barrow and Too...
These data quantify fluxes of environmentally important trace gases between the coastal tundra and atmosphere, including methyl halides, chloroform and methane. The methyl...- dataset ASCII