WSI, dropsondes, MGLASS animated composite imagery
These composite images of sonde times and storm tracks superimposed on WSI radar contain sets of images for each BAMEX IOP. Animations are available from MMM...- dataset Image
NCAR S-PolKa Radar Reflectivity Data: DYNAMO Legacy Collection
This data set contains the 15 minute resolution gridded radar reflectivity data from the NCAR/EOL S-PolKa S-band Doppler radar that was located on Addu Atoll of the Maldive...- dataset NetCDF
COAMPS 5km Tropical Cyclone Forecast Imagery
This data set contains NRL COAMPS 5km model tropical cyclone forecast imagery. The products are specific to a particular tropical system. Products are available at 12 hourly...- dataset Image
UMass S-band FMCW Profiling Radar Data
Vertical profiles of radar moments and Doppler spectra from the UMass S-band FMCW profiling radar that was deployed at Belle Mina, AL for the Verification of the Origins of...- dataset NetCDF
SMART-R1 Radar Data
Observations from the University of Oklahoma SMART-R1 (Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research and Teaching Radar 1) mobile polarimetric Doppler radar that was deployed at locations...- dataset NetCDF
Cayenne French Falcon Flight Deck Video Data
This dataset contains video files from the High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content (HAIC-HIWC) project that took place in Cayenne, French Guiana. The data is from...- dataset Movie
UAH ARMOR C-Band Radar Data (Carey/UAH)
This data set contains University of Alabama Huntsville Advanced Radar for Meteorological and Operational Research (ARMOR) data. It was collected during intense observation...- dataset Archive
TORUS_2022 Deployment Summary IDV Bundles
This data set contains IDV (Integrated Data Viewer) bundles of key TORUS 2022 deployments. Each bundle includes the positions of all assets operating on a particular day updated...- dataset Archive
MRMS Merged Base Reflectivity Raw Data
The 2 minute resolution Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor System (MRMS) raw merged base reflectivity data over the contiguous United States for the period of the TORUS_2022 (Targeted...- dataset Archive
TOGA Radar, final moments data in cfRadial format, fully corrected
This data set consists of quality-checked, cfRadial format files (version 2) of TOGA radar data taken during the DYNAMO (Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation) project. The...- dataset NetCDF
ZEBRA BAMEX Sector Satellite Aircraft Track Composite Images
This dataset contains images of 4 km GOES IR overlayed with reflectivity from the radar composite files and with tracks for the three aircraft, when they were flying. The radar...- dataset Image
NEXRAD FTG (Denver/Boulder, CO) Reflectivity and Velocity Imagery
This dataset includes reflectivity and velocity imagery from the NEXRAD radar near Denver and Boulder, CO, taken from the VORTEX2 field catalog for 2009 and 2010. The files are...- dataset Image
NCAR HCR uncorrected radar moments data, 100 Hz
HIAPER Cloud Radar 100Hz, field version data collected during the HCR-Test experiment from 14 November 2014 to 1 December 2014. The data are in cfRadial format and are available...- dataset NetCDF
Quality-controlled reflectivity at the lowest possible vertical level are contained in this dataset from the ICICLE (In-Cloud ICing and Large-drop Experiment) domain in tarred...- dataset Archive
2003 JPOLE/TELEX KTLX WSR-88D Level II Radar Data [NCDC]
This data set contains Level-II WSR-88D radar data from the Twin Lakes, OK (KTLX) site in central Oklahoma (35.33N and 97.278W) during periods the South Dakota School of Mines...- dataset Archive
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data, DORADE
S-Pol radar moments data collected during the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP) from September 4 to November 6, 1999. The data are available as tar files in dorade format.- dataset Archive
NCAR S-PolKa radar moments data, S-band
S-band only cfRadial format, hourly files of S-PolKa radar data taken continuously during the DYNAMO (Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation) project.- dataset NetCDF
MRMS Merged Reflectivity Composite Raw Data
The two minute resolution Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor System (MRMS) raw merged reflectivity composite data over the contiguous United States for the period of the TORUS_2022...- dataset Archive
CP4 Doppler RADAR cfradial format data
This data set from the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE) 1986 contains cfradial format data from the NCAR CP4 Doppler radar.- dataset Archive
NOAA P-3 Tail X-band Doppler Radar Gridded Dual-Doppler Data
This data set contains gridded Dual-Doppler radar data from the NOAA P-3 aircraft's tail-mounted X-band Doppler radar taken for the Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation...- dataset NetCDF