NCDC TD9727 U.S. Summary of Day, 1880-1979
This dataset from NCDC contains summary of day data for various U.S. cooperative stations.- dataset NetCDF
Brazilian Hourly Surface Observations, 1951 to 1980
This set contains hourly surface data from several Brazilian stations. Reported variables include temperature and moisture information, visibility, present weather, cloud and...- dataset NetCDF
U.S. Navy SPOT Global Surface and Upper Air Observations, daily 1971-1996
The Navy Fleet Numerical Weather Center (FNWC) collects, on an operational basis, surface and upper air data from the Global Telecommunications System (GTS). DSS created the...- dataset Binary
Canadian Surface Observations, daily 1963jan-1976dec, 95 stations
This dataset contains daily surface observations from ninety-five Canadian stations from January 1963 to December 1976.- dataset ASCII
The Pacific Rainfall Database (PACRAIN)
The Pacific Rainfall Database (PACRAIN) dataset contains daily and monthly precipitation from stations in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The most up to date versions of this data...- dataset ASCII
Indian Weekly Regional Rainfall Data
India weekly precipitation, 1979 through 1985, for 34 mainland divisions and an island, have been digitized at Florida State University, from India's "Weekly Weather Report"....- dataset ASCII
Denver, CO and Buckley U.S.A.F. Surface Observations, hourly 1948-1972
This dataset contains hourly surface observations from the Denver, Colorado and Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado observing stations. These data were provided to DSS by the U.S.A.F.- dataset Binary
Japan Radiosonde Observations and Surface Observations, 1961-1997
The Japanese Meteorological Agency has provided upper-air and surface observations for Japanese stations. Daily upper-air data are available at 6-hourly and 12-hourly intervals...- dataset Binary ASCII
U.S.A.F. DATSAV3 Surface Observations, 1901-continuing
This ASCII data set (DATSAV3) is produced at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) from a USAF binary set (DATSAV2), a collection of worldwide surface weather observations...- dataset Binary
NCDC TD6421 Enhanced Hourly Wind Station Data for the Contiguous United States
A homogeneous time series of wind speed at the 10-meter height above the ground/surface for the entire period of digital record (usually, since 1948 for the First Order...- dataset ASCII
World Weather Disk Data
Some of the data sets on the World Weather Disk CDROM have been put on the mass store for use at NCAR. These sets include the Worldwide Airfield Summaries, the U.S. Station...- dataset ASCII
Interpolated Daily Surface Data for the United States and Territories
The Oklahoma Climatological Survey created a dataset of daily maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation for 993 stations in the U.S. and its territories. Long time...- dataset Binary
TOGA COARE Large Scale Atmospheric Data
This dataset contains synoptic surface and upper air data and satellite images obtained during TOGA COARE. For other TOGA COARE data archives, see the UCAR/EOL TOGA COARE...- dataset Binary
NCDC TD9734 Typical Meteorological Year, Solar and Surface Observations
This dataset contains daily surface data which represent the "typical meteorological year" (TMY) for stations in nine regions across the United States. Also in this dataset are...- dataset ASCII
TD14 and TD3280 U.S. Surface Airway Hourly Observations
This data set, from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), contains hourly or 3-hourly surface weather observations, primarily measured at major airports and military bases....- dataset Binary ASCII
NSIDC Meteorological Data from the Russian Arctic, 1961-2000
"This data set contains monthly means of meteorological observation data from Russian stations from 1961-2000 (for most stations). The Russian station observations were provided...- dataset ASCII
Daily Argentina Time Series Radiosonde Observations, 1958-1991
Argentina has provided upper air soundings for twenty stations for the general period 1958-1991, but the actual period varies by station.- dataset Binary
NCDC TD3210 U.S. First Order Summary of Day
This data set from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) contains summary of the day first order station surface weather observations. The stations are operated by the...- dataset ASCII
U.S. Controlled Time Series Radiosonde Observations, daily from 1948
U.S. controlled station time series of upper air observations (soundings) comprise the data in this set. From the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), DSS obtains annual...- dataset Binary
India Precipitation, daily monthly 1901-1970
Daily station rainfall data for India. There were 1632 stations in 1901, 2536 in 1970. Note that 1473 stations have 67 or more years of data. Total daily observations 76.4 million.- dataset ASCII