NCAR S-Pol radar moments data with Particle ID, DORADE
S-band Polarimetric (S-Pol) moments data with derived Particle ID in the Dopplar Radar Data Exchange (DORADE) format, from the Terrain-influenced Monsoon Rainfall Experiment...- dataset Archive
NCAR/EOL ISFS Surface Meteorology and Flux Products, 5 minute
Quality-controlled 5 minute averages of surface meteorology and flux data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) at 12 sites during the Great Plains...- dataset NetCDF
Wyoming Cloud Radar (WCR) Level-2 Data
Level 2 radar reflectivity and Doppler velocity data and quicklook imagery from the Wyoming Cloud Radar that was aboard the NSF NCAR C-130 aircraft for the CAESAR (Cold Air...- dataset NetCDF PDF
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data, CfRadial
S-Pol radar data taken during the Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study (STEPS). The data is available in cfRadial format as hourly tar files.- dataset NetCDF
P-3 ELDORA data - DORADE-format sweep (SWP) files [(NCAR/EOL)]
The Electra Doppler Radar (ELDORA) is an airborne, dual beam, meteorological research radar developed jointly by NCAR and France's Centre de Recherches en Physique de...- dataset Archive
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data, CfRadial
S-Pol data from the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME). These data are in cfRadial format and are available as 3 hour tar files.- dataset NetCDF
Ice Camp Surface Mesonet NCAR PAM-III, Cleveland site (PRELIMINARY)(ASCII) [A...
This data set contains NCAR portable automated mesonet (PAM-III) station (Cleveland site). This is one of six stations deployed in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the SHEBA Ice...- dataset ASCII
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data, CfRadial
S-Pol data from the Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization through Observational Verification Experiment (IMPROVE) . These data are in cfRadial format and are available...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR S-Pol real-time moments data
S-PolKa radar data taken continuously during the FRONT (Front Range Observational Network Testbed) project. The data is in CfRadial format. See the FRONT S-Pol Data Availability...- dataset Archive
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data
S-Pol radar moments data collected during the Prediction of Rainfall Extremes Campaign In the Pacific (PRECIP) from 25 May 2015 to 11 August 2022. The data are available as...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data, NetCDF
S-band Polarimetric (S-Pol) radar data in netCDF format from the Terrain-influenced Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (TiMREX). Due to the size of the dataset, it is recommended that...- dataset Archive
NCAR S-PolKa radar moments data, S-band, Marshall field site
Selected time periods of radar moments data collected by the S-PolKa radar at the Marshall field site in Colorado. S-PolKa is usually run at the Marshall field site for testing...- dataset NetCDF
Cordoba (RMA1) Radar Data
This dataset contains data from the Radar Meteorologico Argentino-1 (RMA1) C-Band dual-polarization Doppler radar in Cordoba city, Cordoba, Argentina during the RELAMPAGO field...- dataset Archive
NCAR/EOL ISFS High Rate Surface Meteorology and Flux Products - winds in plan...
High rate surface meteorology and flux products collected by the EOL/Integrated Surface Flux System team during the Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain (CFACT) field campaign in...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR/EOL ISFS Surface Meteorology and Flux Products, 5 min avg, geo-reference...
This dataset is from the Integrated Surface Flux System (formerly ISFF) during the Canopy Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (CHATS) and contains 5 minute averaged netCDF files....- dataset NetCDF
NCAR CP4, C-Band Radar data set, cfRadial format
This dataset contains C-band radar data collected by the NCAR CP4 radar during the Hawaiian Rainband Project (HaRP) from 13 July 1990 to 23 August 1990. The data are in cfRadial...- dataset NetCDF
NCAR HCR radar moments data
10Hz HIAPER Cloud Radar (HCR) data collected during the Nor'easter project on 2 February 2015. The data are in cfRadial format and are available in hourly tar files.- dataset NetCDF
NCAR S-Pol radar moments data, CfRadial
S-Pol data from the International H2O Project (IHOP_2002). These data are in cfRadial format and are available as 3 hour tar files.- dataset NetCDF
NCAR/EOL ISFS Surface Meteorology and Flux Products, 5-minute
5 minute averages of surface meteorology and flux data collected by the NCAR/EOL Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) at 15 sites during the RELAMPAGO field campaign. These...- dataset NetCDF
Experimental Climate Prediction Center Regional Spectral Model - Run 2
This dataset contains output from the Experimental Climate Prediction Center (ECPC) Regional Spectral Model (RSM) - Run 2. The data are for the NAME Model Assessment Project...- dataset Archive