Chukchi Sea Sediment Core Lipid Analysis, Station C1 (ASCII) [Harvey, R.]
This data set represents an analysis of fatty acids and neutral lipids in sediments from an undisturbed core taken with a box corer during September 1993. These data are in...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 Benthic Station Data (benthic faunal data and sediment tracers) (AS...
This data set contains measurements at each station of benthic parameters, including bottom water parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen, delta 18O), benthic...- dataset ASCII
Oumalik Biomass by Functional Type (Excel) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains biomass data sorted by plant functional type for the Oumalik 1 & 2 grids, for the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project. The...- dataset Excel
HLY-02-03 Benthic Faunal Summaries (abundance, biomass, and dominance) (Excel...
This data set contains abundance, biomass (g/m2), biomass (gC/m2), and number of taxa for each station. These first four parameters are repeated from the Master file of this...- dataset Excel
HLY-02-01 Ice Algal and Phytoplankton Photophysiological Measurements [Gradin...
This data set includes data obtained from water and ice samples that were collected in the Chukchi and Beaufort shelves and slope regions during the spring 2002 SBI expedition...- dataset Excel
Ivotuk Period 3 Phytomass Data [Epstein, H., S. Riedel, D. Walker]
This is the Period 3 Phytomass Data taken from the Excel file of dataset "ATLAS: 1999, Ivotuk NDVI, LAI, and Phytomass Data (EXCEL) (Epstein)" and translated into...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-02 Benthic Station Data (benthic faunal data and sediment tracers) (Ex...
This data set contains measurements of benthic parameters, including bottom water temperature and salinity, bottom water chlorophyll-a concentrations, integrated water column...- dataset Excel
Chukchi Sea Sediment Core Lipid Analysis, Station 2 (Excel) [Harvey, R.]
This data set represents an analysis of fatty acids and neutral lipids in sediments from an undisturbed core taken with a 10cm diameter Benthos corer without a cutter or catcher...- dataset Excel
US Toolik Site 1, Biomass Community Data [Walker]
This dataset contains reduced vegetative community data produced for the ITEX Community Synthesis Workshop. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
Seward Peninsula Sites CDs
The Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) Project is a coordinated program that will examine the geographical patterns and controls over climate-land surface...- dataset Archive
Glacier Respiration and Microbial Biomass [Welker]
This dataset contains soil microbial biomass and soil CO2 efflux (glacier respiration) measured in terrestrial ecosystems immediately adjacent (<0.10m) to the Greenland Ice...- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Period 5 Phytomass Data [Epstein, H., S. Riedel, D. Walker]
This is the Period 5 Phytomass Data taken from the Excel file of dataset "ATLAS: 1999, Ivotuk NDVI, LAI, and Phytomass Data (EXCEL) (Epstein)" and translated into...- dataset ASCII
HLY-02-03 Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics (ASCII) [Dunton, K.]
This data set contains measurements of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in biological material collected from three levels in the ocean (POM, plankton, benthos) from the HLY-02-03...- dataset Excel
HLY-04-03 Benthic Station Data (benthic faunal data and sediment tracers) (Ex...
This data set contains measurements of benthic parameters, including bottom water temperature and salinity, bottom water chlorophyll-a concentrations, integrated water column...- dataset Excel
Atqasuk Biomass by Functional Type (ASCII) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains biomass data sorted by plant functional type for the Atqasuk site, for the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project. The data were...- dataset ASCII
Beaufort Sea Sediment Core Lipid Analysis, Station 5 (Excel) [Harvey, R.]
This data set represents an analysis of fatty acids and neutral lipids in sediments from an undisturbed core taken with a 10cm diameter Benthos corer without a cutter or catcher...- dataset Excel
HLY-04-02 Ice Algal and Phytoplankton Photophysiological Measurements [Gradin...
This data set includes data obtained from water and ice samples that were collected in the Chukchi and Beaufort shelves and slope regions during the spring 2004 SBI expedition...- dataset Excel
HLY-04-02 Benthic Faunal Summaries (abundance, biomass, and dominance) (ASCII...
This data set contains benthic infaunal abundance, biomass (g/m2), carbon-converted biomass (gC/m2), and numbers of taxa for each station. Station dates and locations are also...- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Aboveground Biomass Measurements (Excel) [Copass, C.]
This dataset contains aboveground biomass data collected in the four Ivotuk sites at approximately peak season biomass, summer 1998. The biomass was harvested in 20X50 cm plots,...- dataset Excel
Biomass by Functional Type - Franklin Bluffs MNT Site (Excel) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains biomass data sorted by plant functional type for the Franklin Bluffs MNT site. The data was collected in 2000. The readme contains both the readme for this...- dataset Excel